
Yes, I’m sure it was due to your asthma with possible complications from an allergy. Mold isn’t dangerous to anyone that doesn’t have some other underlying complication. There’s no such thing as Black Mold or Toxic Mold. There’s tons of species of mold that happen to be black, or near black, in color but they’re no

I guess the obvious comparison here is Winona Ryder. Ryder’s slightly older, and was a bigger star, but had a similar trajectory to a lot of these ‘starlettes’: huge success at a very young age (Beetlejuice, her third film, when she was 17), followed immediately by a tabloid-fodder tempestuous relationship with a much

Hogan’s Heroes is the ultimate example for me. The premise is both horrible and ridiculous. The jokes are all catchphrases that get beaten into the ground by the end of the first season, and that’s not to mention the ick factor surrounding Crane. And yet I can still watch it. I don’t ever laugh mind you, but I’m

But ‘Green Acres’ had surprisingly intelligent comedy despite being about a misguided blowhard, a ditzy foreign blonde, and a countryside full of yokels.

 With Mulligan...

Yeah the staying power of it is a good 10-15 seconds, so it’s perfect for that format 

The Professor and Mary Ann nervously listen to the theme song to see if they’re referred as “the rest”.

People were searching for Kevin Can Fuck Himself and naturally assumed that PornHub was the place to look.

And just like that, millions of schlubby dads’ hopes and dreams perished.

I’m sure they were compromised in combination with the mold(if it’s actually accurate, it seems like maybe it was just a contributing factor if so, that the family insists on more than anything). I know in the worst of my addiction on prescriptions mixed with illicit drugs I could barely breathe and had a lot of

People are fucking weird on social media. Either tagging people in on things which will clearly make them uncomfortable or just amplifying shit in the worst way possible.

It’s actually Dr. Halloween’s Monster.

I don’t have an issue with the mimicry. It’s crazy good. And you have to hustle in this business; I get why Costa did it. Make good shit and put it out into the universe, make things happen, etc etc.

It’s fucked up that people are spamming his daughter with the video, but I don’t know why you would feel “icky”otherwise. They even make whole moves about dead people sometimes.  

the crossover i’ve been waiting for Real Housewives of Haddonfield

I was outside putting up Halloween decorations before, and as I loaded this page some sweat got in my eye, and with my vision blurred, I thought it said Halloween Kids and had a brief vision of a Muppet Babies-style Halloween with little kid versions of Michael Meyers, Laurie, and Dr. Loomis.

Man, and I thought the Legend of Zelda timeline was complicated.

I’m going to have to take issue with this film and how the trailer showed Michael Myers killing a number of firefighters and the police arriving later and finding them dead. It’s standard practice for police to arrive with if not before the firefighters to secure the scene precisely because the cause of the fire could

The premise worked a lot better 30 years ago.

Eh, there was definitely a time (basically pre 2000) where McCartney’s contributions to the band (and music in general) were largely denigrated while Lennon’s were put on a pedestal. I can see how that immediate backlash has left a lasting sore spot for him.