
There’s a very wide misconception about memories that can surface in cases like these. Most people believe that a memory is a simple record of what happened; it can be forgotten or suppressed, but if/when it comes back what you witness in your mind’s eye is what happened. Research has shown, though, that memories

That last shot though. Goddammit.

This reminds me of the time my parents had me out of spite for Soylent Green.

Spot on. I’m sure its already been mentioned in the comments by Philip Baker Hall’s Lt. Bookman is a tour de force. Maybe the funniest few minutes of comedy I’ve ever seen.

Bond Club: Turns out James Bond has been a figment of Q’s imagination this whole time. The damage, destruction and rampant womanising however was all real. 

Not bad, but I think the series should take a more arthouse turn instead.

Frozen: Bond’s emotional detachment is due to his older sister not wanting to make a snowman with him as a child. But it turns out that said sister has ice powers that she was taught to be afraid and ashamed of!

I’ve been wondering about that two. I’ve got three theories

1) This generation has a nostalgia for the 90's the way that my generation had nolstalgia for the 50's. The economy was good, the music was great, the fashion was fun. It was far enough away to seem ideal but not so far that it feels alien.

2) The shows are

I love this comment. Do you post it on literally every article here? Have you noticed that this site only writes about basically meaningless pop culture stuff? Your work here is not yet done!

Ok that’s what I was thinking but it’s been a while since I’ve seen the original designs.  I’m sure the writing is horrible but the character designs are actually pretty decent imho.

The character designs are ugly (Wednesday, for one, has an eggplant-shaped head)

I’m not a boxing expert but it doesn’t seem to me that Drago and Rocky would ever be matched to fight together. I mean, Dolf Lundgren is 6'5", and Stallone is something like 4' 3" [attribution needed].   So in real life I think yeah, Lundgren would be a heavyweight, but Stallone would just be like a hobbitweight or

I’m sure the author of this piece, plus everyone in the comments and everyone on Twitter, would have totally put this powerful industry mogul in his place if they had been in Sorkin’s position.

Yeah, I love that they brought Drago back and successfully made him into something other than an Aryan terminator.  

It’s borrowed from the anime trope of restating the plot 50 times per episode to fill time

Still never understood why Raimi agreed to include Venom — a character he clearly had no interest in. I understand he was getting heavy pressure from the studio, but he had just delivered them back to back blockbuster home runs. I find it hard to believe they would have fired him after that.

I think a lifetime of working as an editor has trained the hairs on my arms and back of my neck to stand up whenever I hear off-camera punch-up. When it’s not some stupid goofy aside, it’s usually a character re-iterating the stakes or goal of the characters for everyone who’s been too busy watching their phones in

I liked the first season of Discovery (thought the second season was better, and didn’t care much for the third) but I think I understand what people mean when they say it was an ok sci-fi show but wasn’t Star Trek to them.

Nothing could be more frightening than... a slideshow!

I always got the impression Richards was trying to go full “edgelord” in a misguided attempt to improv a standup routine, rather than go full “DUI-arrest Mel Gibson.”