
I remember that commercial, but not that well. The "we have a pepper bar" is when I actually laughed out loud. That's pretty great.

Yeah. It was cool before Quiznos bought it. Thank the heavens they never got to Trogdor.

Is that the one where Snoopy kept being denied entrance to places, and this deep offscreen voice would intone “NO DOGS ALOOOOOWWED!” I remember almost nothing from any of the Peanuts movies but that voice haunts me for some reason.

Well, I hope you’re all satisfied. You bankrupted a bunch of naive movie folks—folks from a Hollywood where values are ... different. They weren’t thinking about the money. They just wanted to tell a dramatic, intimate, smaller story, a story about a cosmic space force, and you slick movie-reviewers took ‘em for

Oh, no problem. On my reading list, incidentally, is Roadshow, which documents the Hollywood musical in the 60s.

But without the bomb of Darling Lili we wouldn’t have S.O.B.

Actually, as I understand it, the gold would have been perfectly fine even if irradiated. The gold in the depository doesn’t ever really go anywhere; it’s just to say that “Yes, we have gold on reserve backing up our paper transactions.” It’s never let out into circulation. At most, it’s moved from one vault to

As magnificent as Hepburn is in this movie, one has to wonder at the glorious Cleopatra-light disaster it would have been if JW had been forced to cast Elizabeth Taylor. Given their relationship at the time there’s no doubt that Taylor would have insisted that Burton be cast as Higgins.

The internet of 2019 can’t help but revel in its own self-righteousness.

Can I ask a serious question? This didn’t bother me quite as much in this review as your others in this column (because Shaw’s politics match your own) but why is it so important that we analyze the politics of older movies to see how they’re deficient compared to our progressive politics from today? It’s so

The question is ‘How much more cocaine could that pitch meeting have had?’ The answer is ‘None. None more cocaine.’

fingers crossed!  she’s this season babou!

And no one understands him but his social media team!

More pathetic: Buster Bluth, or Joffrey Baratheon?

Can you blame the film-makers for not getting the character right? He’s a complicated man.

You’re damn right!


Clearly this is the darkest timeline.