
You should see Picture Show, it’s one of the best American films of the ‘70s, like, pinnacle. And it was definitely a phenomenon at the time, with Bogdanovich being compared to Orson Welles in the press, etc. His career definitely fizzled after Paper Moon, but even his bad films (including Texasville) are often great

Texasville. The sequel to The Last Picture Show. Bogdanovich was responsible for both.

Chris Carter certainly butchered the hell out of X-Files.

All in the same month as Shrek 3. I know the franchise is hardly held up as high art these days but 1 was universally loved and I will stick up for 2 as a great film to my dying day.

I was in denial for a bit and went to bat for the Phantom Menace for a few years. It took AOTC for me to realize what a shit pile the prequels were. ROTS is also terrible and I can’t take people who claim it’s better than ROTJ seriously. Pretty much the only defense for TPM is the light saber duel / Duel of the fates

The biggest problem with the Seinfeld finale was that it was just a clip show, with maybe fifteen minutes of new material (and a lot of that was just wasted on returning characters walking into the courtroom.) Finishing a show with a greatest hits montage isn’t a capital crime, but it was made even worse by the fact

I will say though that when Kinja was taking over the site and everyone was posting while they could in Disqus format.........and 3000 comments were posted in a 30 minute time frame was one of the most hilarious, sad, snarky, jubilant, bitchy, ebullient moments of AV Club history.

I was more disappointed in episode 2. Episode one just felt like a bland prologue to the big story of vader’s Turn to evil. Episode two was when I realized we wouldn’t get any good tragic character story for him.

This wasn’t the first online community I’ve been a part of that I’ve watched die, and it probably won’t be the last, but it was certainly the last where I thought of it as a “community” without rolling my eyes. They’re all life-limited; I consider it pretty foolish to get attached at this point.

I’m glad you all joined us. I know it sucked for you guys, having to migrate here from wherever you were before, but I’ll always be grateful to the AV Club for rescuing me from Jez and Kotaku, and bringing a bunch of cool people who actually know and love pop culture (especially television) into my internet life. <3

The Seinfeld finale being weak didn’t bother me because that show doesn’t really have a running narrative, so a bad episode doesn’t really effect the whole. I really can’t think of anything even close to being as disappointing as The Phantom Menace, so I got nothing else to add to this discussion.

I couldn’t agree more. As one of the longest standing members here that saw most of the longtime community drop The AV Club—primarily because of the Kinjapocalypse—one of my biggest pop culture disappointments is just how much this site went downhill during the Univision takeover in general, and still suffers to this

I am loving their new hairstyles.

I’m pretty sure he meant disaster/smash regarding the quality of the finished product. In other words, Production disasters are usually really good or really bad movies, and somehow Cleopatra was both. A bad movie that made a boatload of money but also lost money that was boring yet beautiful and didn’t fit at all

I would say yes. If you’re writing a spoof on sci-fi tropes it’s too good an opportunity to pass up.

Is Mallory-as-AI a play on Mu-th-ur, the AI from the Alien movie? That was my first thought when I watched.

Yeah, I hate people that don’t want to murder babies.  Bunch of savages.

Fish = Artificial, I assume

Oh neat, anything that gets the local AV Clubbers clutching their pearls has gotta be worth checking out!

If there isn’t at least a rassinfrackin *easter egg* of Killface or his alien race, I will be profoundly disappointed.