
But where Pacific Rim’s monsters—mostly Lovecraftian tentacle creatures with little personality—come up short, its Jaeger mech suits are the coolest giant robots this side of Jet Jaguar.


Q is far, far better than it has any right to be. The characters and dialogue are incredibly engaging. If you have Shudder right now, there’s a Joe Bob Briggs hosted version up. It’s one of his favorite movies, so all his host segments are a blast.

I think there was a bit of a car chase involved re: how they got away. It was basically a moment of opportunity (albeit pre-arranged), and the guys tasked with guarding them gave chase... of course the guys who let them get away probably knew that was the end of them back in North Korea. 

What’s I find amusing was that Pulgasari’s director and his ex-wife escaped their captors by just walking away from them at a Viennese film festival and getting political asylum at the US Embassy.

He chews scenery even when there is none, he’s just that good.

Bought 12 tickets to IMAX Godzilla for Friday. Each of my 3 boys is bringing two friends.

It’s aimed at people who like to think about the emotions of a film, rather than focusing on how it all fits together.

The only honorable way to deal with a kaiju is the Dum Dum Dugan Method: shrink em down to punching size with Pym Particles and challenge them to fisticuffs.

I’m a fatty, also an old (50), and a recovering alcoholic (22 years sober). I loved Lebowski Thor. I realize I don’t speak for all fatties, and all folks recovering from alcoholism, other addictions, or those struggling with depression, and that some folks may have found Lebowski Thor offensive.

I get why people didn’t like it, but I loved Lebowski Thor. The thing is, he’s never been really part of the group. The Avengers work with him, and are happy he’s on their side, but when it comes down to it he’s an alien who can channel friggin’ lightning. They’ve never been friends, only allies. He goes off and does

Now playing

One of my favorite comic moments ever....

That hurts.

Oh my god, those reviews are priceless: “I got a free cat in the box with my purchase, but I’m not sure if I should open it to see if it’s okay.”

You can buy a very small amount of uranium on Amazon for use in science experiments. The customer reviews are priceless: “Seller was much more reliable than the Libyans I bought plutonium from in a mall parking lot.” “I ordered this, but when I opened the box 5.4 million years later, half of it was gone!”

He also claimed to be afraid of people who “had the ability to shock his genitals with their minds.”

Fun fact: the carrier featured in The Voyage Home was actually the non-nuclear USS Ranger (CV-61), playing the role of Enterprise (CVN 65).

On a related note, one of the most notorious (and now valuable) toys was a 1950s kit made by Gilbert called the Atomic Energy Lab. It came with geiger counter, cloud chamber, spinthariscope and four kinds of uranium ore.

“Counselor Troi, have you ever thought about wearing more sweaters? MAKE IT SO!”