
The Soviets did it as a rule. American, French and British rapist were rogue criminals. The worst thing that Ike did, after seeing the concentration camps, was to force the Nazi officers to serve on corpse disposal duties.

I'm not taking any chances. Gonna fuck my aunts tomorrow!

You mean like fire bombing Dresden for no strategic reason?  Yeah, the so called good guys doing terrible things never happens in history. 

“Bad news, everyone!”

I thought that it played out Bran’s vision of a dragon over the city few seasons back, Dany succumbing to her vengeful instincts, the tragedy that Varys was right and Tyrion (and Jon Snow), tragically wrong and Cersei’s crippling hubris played out the only way it could have. Plus it was on such an impressively 

He reminded me of the professor from Futurama and I miss him already.

That Dany was in danger of crossing a line has been in the books and show for a very long time. There have been cracks in her empathy and humanity throughout going all the way back to her reaction to Viserys’s death. She’s gone for mass murder more than once and usually in horrific ways — Qarth, Vaes Dothrak, various

But Dany has been nothing but destructive for her whole arc. It started with Miri, you can argue she deserved it but Dany made the sacrifice knowing what it would cost. Then she goes on to Mereen, where she removes the Old Master..Then back to Qarth without even consolidating power or setting up a new order in Mereen,

Cersei has been off the deep end with no possibility of return since Tommen took his jump.

Saddest death for me: Qyburn. He really, truly loved his queen!

I definitely disagree. All of her assumptions proved wrong, and her entire world finally fell apart around her. Everyone she counted on has died except her twin brother, who showed up with a presumably mortal wound. Seems perfectly reasonable that she’d fall apart at that moment.

Plus, assuming she was really pregnant.

Also, way to live up to the hype, Golden Company. The Houston Rockets watched and thought you were weak.

haha, you’re crazy, that was awesome.

Them fighting while the dragon flew behind them actually got a cheer out of me. However, I loved this entire episode.


Oh, but I did!

one of the chickens took off her glasses and let her feathers down.

Eh, they’re always losing them.

It’s worth reminding that birds are not only descendants of dinosaurs, but cladistically dinosaurs themselves. It goes with the territory. 

I only read it for the articles.