Um Ah


Aww, did this article hurt your little fee fees, DrWeeWee? :p

Wow today’s game of ‘Find the idiot’ on the internet was surprisingly short

You obviously went to home-school college.

Somehow I doubt you went to college, period

$25,000 or so is roughly the poverty line for a family of 4. So... just keeping your head above water? Here’s a bigger tax bill, suckers!

Combine that with state rules that will come into play, like Wisconsin’s ‘if you want child support, you need to find a job and at least work part-time’.

Because if you fail a business, you get to blame the employees and leave with a nice golden parachute and move on to your next victim. It gives the impression of success rather than failure.

So by that measurement, we can expect zero or negative growth to be the new goal by the time this bill is passed, right?

Why are people who want to run government like a business usually failed businesspeople?

Them: He’ll run it just like a business!

Awesome... If this passes, the US debt will just increase tenfold and then that orange douchbag will try to claim bankruptcy.

I like how, no matter how incompetent, ignorant, and childish Trump proves himself to be, or how often he proves to be all three at the same time, Clinton remains a bridge too far.

I expected this sooner, actually. *sips tea* The man in the Office of the President of the United States is not one known to be transparent when people ask him for something that will not lead to his aggrandizement. As sad as it is to say, his is precisely what he called himself in season 2 of the Apprentice: a

If the troops wanted a pay increase and better opportunities for education, they could have voted for a Democrat.

“It makes you wonder what protection you’d have legally if you’d jumped in to help...”

“Legal” is irrelevant when you’re dealing with armed law officers.

Oh? So you’re saying that a couple of weeks ago United did not allow three young girls to board their flight because they were wearing leggings? Or that United did not point to an arcane clause in its contract of carriage?

You do realize that the girl was 10 years old? Do you expect her to wear a tiny business suit?

So we'd be putting more money into local economies for a more sustainable food system? Oh the horror.