“...he doesn’t believe he’s being ___ in any way.”
“...he doesn’t believe he’s being ___ in any way.”
The state doesn’t need to do much to end this sense of entitlement, and they have precedent.
I can definitely type faster and longer without fatigue on a mechanical (ergo) keyboard than on my mushy MBP keyboard.
I’m having difficulty processing your triple-negative.
Yeah, subtle troll is subtle.
McLemore is ignorant. Deut 23:5 says nothing about gender. Anyone who has half a brain can read it and see what I’m talking about:
This is the only appropriate response when a mouthbreather wails about “Shiria [sic] Law”.
Deep down, they are afraid. Very afraid.
Someday, maybe even Lego will go back to its roots:
I just cook outside. And to prevent grease spots on my clothes, I wear only my longjohns and boots.
Once the foil grows hair, you can harvest it for garnish!
At some point you won’t have a choice, once the untouched-by-Apple Music older devices no longer get updates and newer ones come with it included.
Bah, you were supposed to nail me for spelling “flickr” incorrectly. Then I could slink away in shame.
Anything starring Adam Sandler is not a movie, in any sense.
Maybe he’ll be consoled with the fact that, just as “Super Mario Brothers” destroyed the careers of its screenwriters, perhaps “Pixels” will utterly destroy the careers of everyone involved.
Flickr is bringing back it’s paid subscription-based service, Flickr Pro.
Those laws are all Puritan crap anyway. One can always buy a ton of booze Saturday and stay sloshed throughout the next day.
If your bud cannot stop, then he has a problem...but the only way he’ll ever get help is if he admits it to himself.
“...it’s a relatively unknown hero to people who didn’t grow up reading Marvel comics”