Warriors Ripped My Flesh

Up yours, AV Club!

Remember Trump? He's back! In pill form.

I'm all for a female-driven, LGBT-friendly fantasy action show but jesus god can we stop remaking or adapting things and just put a new idea to paper

And no one bats an eyelid

"So, right, imagine if it actually made sense why everything was so grim and nasty, and it didn't have that weird stalker-looking fella in it either".

I think there's a fine line between enjoying a "bad" movie for its merits and not "ironically" or out of some kind of detached lack of earnestness that's hard to explain. I love 70s and 80s horror schlock, but I really enjoy it, not in that sense of "look how bad this is"—don't get me started on my hatred of the whole

Can we just, please, not have reddit

Is… Is AA Dowd me?

but my doots

I look forward to all the articles about what food and Trump were like in 1997.

Maybe we should cut him in half to see if either piece develops a life.

Is this an estimate on how much it's gonna cost to remove it? Because I swear to god, pest control just keeps getting more and more expensive.

Well you see military equipment don't hold itself so there needs to be people to fill them boots.

Can someone explain to me why a military needs boner pills in the first place?

I meant in the article

How in shit did no one say "Baker Street"

A patently mercenary project in a series which has already established that prequels are a recipe for disaster and people are worried about it being helmed by a competent and reliable, if flash-free and overly safe, director?

I guess it can't be worse than Jurassic World was. Can it?

That's good. I just don't wanna drop forty quid on something that's either all about online competitive play or is balanced in single player for competitive level players.

Awesome. Got me an Xbox One as a wedding gift so this is going on the shortlist.