The Mod Squad, on opening day. Three of us, one an actor, sat through it out of shocked disbelief. Then we walked back around the theater in the rain to spread out and talk people into seeing something else.
The Mod Squad, on opening day. Three of us, one an actor, sat through it out of shocked disbelief. Then we walked back around the theater in the rain to spread out and talk people into seeing something else.
Maybe Bannon is showing his disdain for the administrative state by not bothering to pull his shit together and look the part. Or maybe, horrifyingly, this is Bannon with his shit pulled together. In which case may FSM have mercy on anyone who has to wake him while he's sleeping one off.
I stopped watching TV regularly about 30 years ago. I don't know why and I've stopped wondering so don't ask.
My wife got all of the Joss stuff on DVD a few years ago and we binged all of them. I'm that one guy who puts Dollhouse* at the top of the stack and Firefly** at the bottom. Buffy was outstanding. As a…
I'm not a comics fanboy (40 years past the boy part) and the mainstream Marvel films aren't for me, but I really enjoyed Deadpool. maybe BECAUSE of the things noted above. I'll see the next one.
Achewood is back??!? I've read every single one at least twice up to the last hiatus (Ray's dad getting rear-ended in his car and not ripping the innards out of the offending driver).
Guess I know how this Saturday is going to go.
This is a startlingly great movie. Way better and more subversive than it had any right to be. I'm Madonna's age (old) and I recommend it to my (old) friends. It's too bad (but no surprise) that the film didn't do better but at least the music gets some credit.