I have rarely wanted to know the details of someone's upbringing more.
yeh, coz jus coz i use bad grammer it mean im stupid com on!!!!!!!!!!!
It just looks like she is using her ass to clean an invisible glass door.
What, Cory Booker wasn't available? (rim shot)
I'm just glad it was her and not A-Rod under that awning, ba-dum-bum.
I keep thinking of Hank from King of the Hill and "pro-pain" and "pro-pain" accessories
GWM seeks GWF for deeply unsatisfying yet approved-by-Jesus marriage. My turn-ons include scripture readings, awkward sex with the lights off for the purpose of sanctified procreation and long, separate vacations with no questions asked. Turn-offs include smoking, your lady bits and snoopy questions like "Why is the…
Go home, Catholic church, you're drunk.
I was actually really looking forward to finding out how they were going to manage to spell "Blue Ivy" with a "K."
How are we pronouncing this? I want to go with 'cadence' because when I try to pronounce it as written I sound like a Cockney shoeshine boy.
He may have lost a leg, but it looks like he had a spare to begin with.
All I got from this is that Sandra Bullock's son is so cute that I want to EAT HIM.