
Honestly, as a black person who grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood, went to very expensive undergraduate and graduate schools in the US and Western Europe (and who, incidentally likes metal and many other things ... a certain kind of person might "associate" with whiteness) I see in your story a lot of

She really is. This person trawled my entire posting history to cobble together a "biography" of my life which s/he then used against me in a 12+ paragraph tirade. Either mentally ill, or the most massive troll in the blogosphere. Can we not report people like this?

Should we also require doctors to ask all pregnant women if they've considered abortion and hand them pamphlets with information on where to obtain them?

Shit yeah.

This reminds me of the time I made a placard that said, "How many children have YOU adopted?" and stood next to the PP protestors here. They don't like it when you ask them that question.

Can we get a bill that requires men seeking viagra prescriptions to watch a 3 hour video about abstinence?

So not only does Ms. Sundaram pick shitty examples of feminism, but based on why she picked them, she seems to misunderstand feminism. It ain't about controlling men, nor is building a bourgeois, fatuous "empire" relevant to, or consistent with, it.

"Is this the ass that launched a thousand shows

The linked article was both dumb and poorly written.

I want mine to come with a salt lick, Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy ice cream, and an ounce of pot. Please and thank you.

that's just a straight-up brag.

I guess, in a state where the majority of folks disagree with abortion, tax dollars shouldn't go towards paying for them. I 100% like abortions and think the best case scenario would be reversible sterilization (for guys and gals) until you specifically want kids. I don't know enough bout science to know if that's a

The "safety" requirements are out of proportion to the dangers...this is a way to shut abortion clinics down. Are you a libertarian? I ask because they always seem to fall back on "people should donate," which seems to put a lot of faith in the kindness of others and sidesteps the responsibilities government has to

They're trying to kill us. Any man who is anti-choice or wants to see Planned Parenthood closed or women be denied birth control, he's just plain trying to off us.

If you could potentially die from one, why on Earth wouldn't they want them to be safer? I agree that this is just a ploy, but it could be easily fixed by people who are pro-choice donating or funding the updates.

The reason the same people against abortion is the same groups of people against responsible gun laws:

People die from unsafe abortion...which they are forced to have when there are no safe legal outlets (the way it will be in NC shortly). There are some abortion-related deaths in the US, but far, far, far fewer than from pregnancy/childbirth...

Like people don't ever die from it not dangerous or just less dangerous?

Pregnancy and delivery are far more dangerous than abortion. This is just bullshit.

So I should wear a helmet during an abortion? Thanks, North Carolina, for looking out for my safety!

As a non-medical person, are abortions dangerous? Do people die from the lack ambulatory services at clinics? If so, why don't people who care about the issue donate money to update the clinics? I am informed enough to say this is just a ploy, but I am also smart enough to know that an easy fix would be donations from