Michael Cera is 24...
Michael Cera is 24...
Um, you should reserve your outrage for things more useful (though it is clear you have an endless supply). I am speaking as a woman of many races and referring to those who surround themselves ONLY with whites. I said nothing of dating minorities or of having to date only minorities. That is an argument you are…
The reactions have been, um, enlightening...I discovered that I am white and racist. Anyhoo, thanks for getting the shades of meaning lost on the hysterical.
I've seen a few episodes where I thought Gordon should just leave, but this...this...astounding! Truly incredible...
Yes! I thought it was just me. There is no helping this woman, right?
Thank you for this. Thought it was just me...
I'm sure this is going to get me into a lot of trouble, but here goes: When I see a character of color dating (being friends with, etc.) only whites, it strikes me as a form of passing...the character is saying "hey, America (read: white America), I'm just like you!" It is impossible for me to know Mindy Kaling's (or…
Is it possible to despise someone you don't know. Yes...yes, indeed...
Do you have a favorite book that you haven't read?
While I have hated most of Kim's pregnancy wardrobe, I have been loving her hair and make-up...more natural/normal than usual...I think it's a good look...I had forgotten how pretty she actually is...
OK, so I'm a horrible person, but all I can see is some her parents' dashed dreams being played out on this little girl. Do 2-year-olds want to learn skating routines? What must it have taken to get her to this point? I hope they let her do things she likes...
How freakin' cute is she?! New girl crush!!
Oh, that I may look as horrible as Eva Longoria and Rosario Dawson in a bikini one day!
Yes! Absolutely! Nobody bothers me anymore (well, the occasional homeless person, perhaps), but I was harassed constantly as a teen, esp. a young teen...
It might be where you are looking...sites featuring black women ("exploited black teens!" "black ex-girlfriends!") almost exclusively show black women with white men...
Best book ever (and almost entirely responsible for my sense of humor, I swear)? Seven Days to a Brand New Me by Ellen Conford. It is so so good. I got it when I was 13 and I have read it at least once a year ever since...
That was awesome! Thank you...
Hee hee...his weewee is small... (trying to make the female gaze a thing)
Wow. You are so dumb. You are so dumb that you are not even afraid of looking dumb to people reading your foolishness. That's a special kind of dumb. Perhaps you should form the Dumb People's Association. The rest of us would be okay with that.
Cutest thing I've heard yet. I love a pretty little boy...