Oh this is the wedding where the 23 year old daughter of a billionaire married a 43-year old bilionaire.
Oh this is the wedding where the 23 year old daughter of a billionaire married a 43-year old bilionaire.
I don’t think Fleabag is horrible. She’s not an easy character -- she’s grieving and angry and acerbic -- but I found her bothr relatable and likeable. She’s just a person, really, one that be awful and great in the same day.
He definitely is, it’s just not the cross burning robe wearing variety. His history with the his apartment buildings demonstrates that he is of the upper crust “we don’t associate with those people” variety that work to ensure their country clubs and fine dinning establishments are entirely white and that the only…
If Trump is elected everyone will die except for one drunk and his family.
What does “America is the ark of Noah” even mean?
America feels greater already. /s
It’s just as likely that she was being bullied by another girl. Can’t say I’ve met anybody from Texas who wasn’t a little off or xenophobic.
This just highlights the Solomon-like wisdom of suggesting that teachers bring firearms to school. Can you imagine the carnage of a slew of half-trained educators running the hallways with their 9mm’s shooting at anything that moves.
that a responding police officer was also injured when another officer’s gun accidentally discharged.
Mandated reporter here...it never hurts to report if you have genuine concerns. Let the authorities sort it out. You never know if your report will be the 3rd, or the 4th, or whichever one will be the one that triggers action (sadly, sometimes it takes multiple reports, especially in 'mild' situations)!
High Desert: Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy (Come see our poppy reserve!)
Victorville? STORY CHECKS OUT.
I visited the Great Dismal Swamp a few years ago and can say that it is the most aptly named place on the planet.
They get really, genuinely excited for all the competitors. It’s one of the reasons why this is a guilty pleasure for me, because it’s a really positive show (or at least the announcers are). It’s always amusing to hear announcers get so excited for the competitors that they just CANNOT contain themselves.
Yeah, I remember Kasey Catanzaro got knocked out on an obstacle that was literally impossible for her to do because of her height. It was the two walls that you have to support yourself between, her wingspan was not enough to touch both walls at the same time. That just seems like an unfair challenge to throw in a…
Yes! Those courses are insane, and generally geared towards taller people with a huge wingspan. I was also filled with nerves watching her go, so psyched for her.
The announcers are hilarious. When I watch I’m usually tuning them out because I’m hyper-focused on watching the badass competitors, but every once in a while one of them (typically Akbar) gets super excited and shouts some weird phrase (which probably would make sense if I was paying attention to them) and I’m…
That announcer yelling “HERSTORY” with completely uncontained fervor is my new aesthetic