
Not to mention he could probably have waited until the weekend was over and he wasn’t with you.

I hope this doesn’t sound like I telling you how to feel. I understand your dad’s point (if you grow up in a house with no room you might be exposed to things)...but if he was taking you to hotels for the weekend it sounds like he has the means to have sex while you were somewhere else. Not to mention he could

...who are these women that willingly sexed a guy while his kid slept one bed over? I can’t.

( not a divorce attorney) but any kind of legal investigation ( whether it’s CPS or restraining orders) does not paint that parent , in the best light. Bottom line, Huma could use his poor decision making ( forced resignation, adulterous- esque behavior) to show he does not have his child’s best interest. He is a SAHD

don’t worry, Huma is still getting blamed PLENTY for having a job and expecting the father of her child to parent her child.

Also how is he not curled up in shame somewhere? How is he still trading barbs with reporters instead of being on the phone with a therapist?

Exactly. It is alarming for CSA survivors because a lot of abuse starts with the adult acclimating the child to sexual things by stuff like this, that they slowly escalate. Now, for Weiner, given his history of seemingly zero awareness and zero thought for anything but his boner, I don’t think he had any nefarious

This is bad but my first thought was “finally a father’s bad parenting is getting some outrage.”

Can you imagine being an adult and knowing there exists/seeing a picture of yourself as a child, sleeping next to your dad’s boner? Jesus Christ. The creep factor goes to 11 with this guy.

To tell you the truth I do think they were responsible for the shooting happening the way it did. The shooter was able to exit the theater through an emergency exit and return inside with his weapons without setting off an alarm. If not for that, even if he was set on shooting people at that specific theater hewould

In all fairness, I’ve never stepped foot in that theater chain in the first place. Was it really a frivolous lawsuit though? Holmes left through an emergency exit and nothing happened to prevent him from propping the door and returning. I wouldn’t say the theater acted wrongly, but neither did they prevent what

Cinnemark might not enforce the order, given that they’re going to be receiving a lot of bad press. The company makes upward of 2 billion a year, so they can certainly swallow the cost of their legal representation. It’s possible they wanted the judge’s order on record to deter similar sorts of lawsuits painting

I live a mile away from what has to be the most incredible Cinemark theatre in the country. I told both my kids to never give that company money again. Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet. It’s

Well, I can tell you which theater chain I’ll never set foot in again.

Wow. The optics of Cinnemark’s decision is Trump-level terrible. It’s like they woke up and said “Yeah, I’m gonna be a dick to people today. A YOOOGE DICK!”

i’m glad he failed at killing himself. live with it, fucking coward.

HOW FUCKING BRAVE AND SMART SHE WAS TO GET AWAY THE FIRST TIME!! Our criminal justice system let her down so fucking much.

I hate that he fucked up the “suicide” part of the murder/suicide...but I really hope some competent judge throws the fucking book at him and he has to spend the rest of his life suffering and living with what the fuck he did.

Her family should sue him for wrongful death