
Not for nothing, but I feel like if I threw a bag of drugs at the cops they would probably charge me with possession.

Hold on! His attorney has posted a message on “the twitter” with the hashtag, “#TeamBreezy”?

This poem is always worth posting; “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood.

Yeah, but they’re banking on the fact that if you have “Royal Household” on your cv, you could work in any fancy shmancy household in the world, and they'd have you just for bragging rights. Stay a year or two, and move on up.

Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!

Fuck, I still feel occasional guilt about being mean to a former roommate in college who tried to screw us out of rent because I realize in hindsight she was struggling with depression. I’m about Parker’s age, it happened when I was 21. About once a year she floats into my mind and I regret not being more

And Oh My God culture has not shifted THAT much on rape since 1996. We are not talking 1896 here.

How many Black men you know that are talking about gender?

Being a woman in 2016 if very different, imagine being a woman 20 years ago, and when we talk about consent, maybe 20 years from now we’ll know things about consent and examine it from a different perspective than we are now.

I called a couple of sisters that know that are in the space that talk about the feminist movement and toxic masculinity, and just asked questions. What did I do wrong?

I have really conflicted feelings about this because, on the one hand, fuck Nate Parker but on the other Nat Turner’s story is so important. There is obviously a part of me that wants this movie to fail because we shouldn’t support rapists but there’s also a part of me that wants this movie to succeed because maybe if

Yeah, it’s like Polanski films. I am sure, as a film, the Pianist was well deserving of an Oscar, but I’m never going to find out, because all I could think about while I watched it is how the man who made it raped a young girl, got away with it, and doesn’t give a shit.

Also he’s pretty much admitting to the rape here:

Not even getting a girl to say yes! He’s basically saying as long as she wasn’t actively resisting he’d go for it. Which, it turns out, IS STILL RAPE.

“Parker also admitted that when he wrote the initial Facebook post, a whole two weeks ago, he, “never took a moment to think about the woman.”

I’ve heard it’s a good movie.

Getting a girl to say yes................................

Other Maine ‘drug-dealer’ names:

I’ve done A LOT of drugs in Maine, and I honestly got them all from white folk.

Oh god, I hate this man so much. I left Maine because of the shit economy this racist piece of shit did nothing to fix, but I go back every summer and love it. I have friends and family there and they all deserve better than this piece of shit. Well except for my mother who is trying to talk me into voting for trump