
Liberal justices posed questions during March arguments about whether the law served any medical purpose for women’s health. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg asked Keller how many women would live 100 or more miles from a clinic under the Texas law. Keller answered 25 percent but said that did not include a clinic in

As someone who, for the past eight years, has worked closely with dozens of young Irish women making their way in the world of International teaching, I can tell you something I believe to be quite accurate: They do not fuck around. They are tough, stubborn, kind hearted, and part of a new generation of Irish, the

I would second that sentiment, I have an aunt who was evaluated and diagnosed as Munchausen By Proxy. She has THREE kids, and one was almost done with high school by the time she was diagnosed. It’s likely she was standard Munchausen if she would have been diagnosed before kids, and transferred that attention seeking

The article goes into this better than I can, but, essentially, doctors usually operate on the assumption that a parent is telling the truth about symptoms- and because Muchausen by proxy people usually have a medical background and are very good at regurgitating the right language, and really good at appearing

There were a lot of ways she fell through the cracks because of her mom’s abuse and outside coincidence - sometimes a doctor wouldn’t provide the diagnosis the mom was looking for, so they would just change doctors. Or the fact that they were victims of Hurricane Katrina, so the mom just claimed the medical records

This is another serious question - who was operating on a patient that obviously didn’t have the conditions that would require the operations? It sounds like a serious breach of ethics on the part of the surgeons. The whole thing is heart-wrenching. The daughter should have been taken away from this monster by social

This story is CRAZINESS... Munchausen’s by Proxy and a collusion over murder would be enough on its own, but there’s also that the mom got knocked up by her (at the time) underage boyfriend, caring neighbors who had the same last name and were harassed by internet detectives over a GoFundMe page, and the catfishing of

This actually sounds like self-defense. I realize it doesn’t fit the legal definition, but given the torture this woman endured at her mother’s hands, is it really so difficult to understand how someone in her position could snap?

I read the piece by Buzzfeed the other day. Although quite a long article, I was stricken and gob smacked at what this young woman went through during her childhood into adulthood. It doesn’t justify what she did but what does it say about society that she thought this was her only way out.

Well the dude does have MBA after his name, so I'm not sure there was much to corrode in the first place.

“Donald Trump is a narcissistic three-legged capybara who slipped in a pool of old cooking oil and skidded into a mirror and was knocked out cold and then woke up thinking he’s Zeus.”

Remember, a nice tasteful brown shirt is preferred on election day. Leather bandoliers will not be provided, but can be purchased from eBay.

The basic stance Trump supporters have adopted is something like: “We’ve nominated a candidate who is completely incompetent, disturbingly unhinged, and completely offensive to larges sections of the population. He has done nothing to build a coalition or even run a campaign. ALL THE POLLS ARE FAKED AND IF WE LOSE

“Which is troubling, because I’m not sure Donald Trump knows what he’s legally allowed to do!”

Help the Dear Leader root out the traitors. For God and Country!

It’s the ten days of funerary games following my burial that are proving the most financially draining. Apparently all the glitter and feathers needed to turn four chariots worth of horses into “pretty pretty princess Pegasus unicorns” is not easy on the Hello Kitty pink glitter coin purse. Glitter may cost extra, but

I don’t even want to tell you how much it cost me to pre pay for my hot pink viking funeral....

You must not know anything about buying sunscreen, razors, generic brand underpants, children’s clothes, bedding, umbrellas, and more(!) for a family. If you’ve managed to avoid advertising all of your life, too, I’d be interested to know where is the rock that you live under.

I’d ask you to explain it to us, but I doubt our lady brains could handle it.