
Unless their hiring standards change as well, zero of those applications are going to be accepted, if they display too much intelligence or empathy. Let’s not forget the guy from Connecticut who was rejected by the CPD because he was “too intelligent” and therefore deemed unacceptable because he may eventually

It’s the site I embedded it from! I’m not a MONSTER!

He also (and people forget this) made it to the final round of vetting FOR OBAMA. And he wasn’t even a Senator then.

I definitely feel like Kaine is in the Biden style of a VP. He’s affable, he’s a fighter, he started out his law career fighting for civil rights and pro bono work. Unlike most of the other options (which seemed likely to backfire [Warren, Booker, Brown, Castro, Franken]), this is one I’m genuinely excited about.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

He’s not an exciting choice, but he’s a practical choice. I’m okay with this.

Basically her statement boils down to, “I had no idea saying n**** was racist but since I said it we’re all pretty sure the n***** are going to try to kill me now, and maybe the other white people around me too, so the orange man said I should go home.”

“While I in no way intended to make racist or threatening statements, I now realize that they could be interpreted that way.”

Find me an 80-year-old woman in Alabama who isn’t racist and I’ll believe any damn thing you want me to because you are clearly some sort of deity.

“The statements do not reflect my character or feelings towards minorities”

“I respect the decision of the Illinois Republican Party and understand their concerns about my safety and that of the entire Illinois delegation.”

I get "mama mama mama mama mama wat are u doeeng?"

um, it doesnt sound like she was TRYING to have multiple sets of twins. it sounds like she is a religious woman who decided to carry her pregnancies. why shame her for that? nonsense.

Why stop at 2?? Why allow people to have ANY children at all? Just adopt, right? And it’s not like China’s limit on birth rates has done any harm to their ability to sustain their economy and infrastructure with a their huge elderly population and no new people, right?

it’s not really anyone’s place to tell someone what they should/shouldn't be doing with their reproductive organs

People really like to judge other’s reproductive choices. Especially when the others are young black women.

You get NDAs from everybody. EVERYBODY. Hot dog guy, dude who changes light bulbs, EVERYBODY. Because you never know what someone is going to see or hear.

Also, surely “powder on the top of his ears to hide redness” = powder to hide the shame and embarrassment he felt having to support Trump on national television.

The fact that the RNC apparently didn’t have him sign an NDA is yet another sign of how fucking amateur hour this whole production is. Jesus. If this is how they roll, I’m scared shitless for what would happen if they took the presidency.

Agreed. And anything that’s mocking her body really. Like does any of that have to do with her ability to run the country? It just shows how misogynistic this world can be. I’m not a fan of Hillary but all of this stuff is just sad.