
Writing essays really helps you to think a problem/proposal through from beginning to end. Rather than seeing a medical case as a series of discrete, unconnected problems and treatments, the doctor/nurse must see it as an interconnected whole, where each bit affects how all the other bits react. Writing an essay is

There are going to be essays on important (and complicated) topics like ethics. But the same issues would come up when writing lab reports, especially failing to source previous studies properly.

The majority are, in fact, not ‘brilliant’. They’re above average intelligence people who are good at memorization and reasonably good at deduction. That’s it.

“Often plagiarism owes much more to naivety than dishonesty and so we focus on educating students on good practice in their written work.”


Oh my God. Oh my God. THE leotard is for sale? The Ur leotard? I need it. That thing was the most coveted garment of my whole childhood. More than any of those princess gowns, or Princess Di’s ring, or Miss Piggy’s sparkly swimsuit.

Not even ranch dressing, ranch POWDER. Wtf.

YOU don’t have a problem, well then my god why are we even here.

The problem is that the vast majority of interns are white.

I went to training this week to explain the math common core standards. It was full of teachers and I was one of only three people of color there. The other two women were in my carpool. There is something wrong with that. Students need to see people like them as teachers.

Is it possible that ... he actually is so white that it’s contagious? Maybe there *were* several African-Americans and Latinos in the group, but after repeated Ryan exposure, they TURNED WHITE?

Guys, Paul Ryan doesn’t see color.

I have to read teenage bad handwriting as part of my job. It def says Jimmy.

Oh, Drake, you goober. That’s cute.

I have Asian friends and we’ve never addressed if this is offensive or not because I’ve known for years and years not to pretend to be Chinese.

How does a 37 year-old woman in 2016 not know that this is offensive? Sincerely confused by this. And don’t say “Well she grew up around people like this” or “she’s from some idiotic all white town and doesn’t have any non-white friends” because there’s this thing called TV and movies and the news and various other

I think that is what caused me to lose my eyeballs under the chair. Bitch actually went straight up to the Asian woman and sang in her face. All the while the bystander was wearing her best “Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, the SHIT I have to deal WITH!!!!” face. I want Barbie to try this on Constance Wu!!!

Also, okay, your last name is “Murphy”, and so you decided to sell Murphy beds? I’m sorry, but is that the best thing you could think of? Does it seem like a solid business plan to you? I mean, is the reasoning here that once people find out you exist, they will be so charmed by the fact that you share a name with a

Obvs she’ll be added to his campaign staff now. Conventionally attractive AND racist? She’s gonna be the best campaign staffer we’ve SEEN!