
MISOGYNY is poison and it kills women by the thousands every day. Take the fundamentalism away, you will still have misogyny. It finds a different container (viz Atheist bros). MISOGYNY is everywhere in every belief and non-belief system. It’s bigger than fundamentalism by far. I’ll die fighting this war and it won’t

You mean, other than abortion clinic bombings, church shootings, forcing gay kids into conversion therapy that ends in suicides, and countless women forced to carry pregnancies that sometimes end in death to the mother? And before you tell me those aren’t “honor killings,” yes they are. All of these Fundamentalist

“Thought she was being overdramatic”.

They are the nicest, most gracious people, but I get it. I stage doored in February and even then, Leslie, Lin, and Philippa didn’t stage door, and the crowd was large, but manageable (i.e., everyone fit on the sidewalk and in front of the Richard Rodgers theatre stage doors). I talked to Daveed, Chris, Renee, and

I have little sympathy for people who work at Fox News or the like, but I will fight to my last breath for their right to do so non-creeptastically.

This is a sort of situation where Carlson and other women on Fox News decry and denounce other women until it's their turn. Then they want sympathy. I'll be gleefully watching how this unfolds and not rooting for either party.

She definitely didn’t get what she deserved. I will say I’m utterly unsurprised that one of the biggest bastions of conservative thinking also happens to be one of the biggest bastions of unrefined sexism, misogyny and male entitlement to women’s bodies, and that this was about as predictable a story as finding out

In fairness, look at this magnificent specimen of an elderly, doughy, entitled, bigoted white man.

Ahahahahahaha. Of course.

Good for Gretchen for coming forward and empowering all these other women to speak up. I hope they bury him in lawsuits.

It was the ones who weren’t arrested, presumably the non-rapists, that lost. They don’t deserve the sarcasm. It would be interesting to see how all team rankings would change if the rapists were out of the picture.

If it got your infant into such a state that she would need to go to the ER, I would expect it to make news.

I’m going to say yes-in that it’s a narcotic. And drinking to excess isn’t advisable while breastfeeding either. People drinking responsibly are able to control their milk supply/safety but if someone was binge drinking on a regular basis while breast feeding-it would also be considered abusive and wildly

In Germany gun permits are only valid for 3 years and people applying for one have to go through a test to evaluate their character/sanity and their need for a gun. A person must be at higher risk than the general population and a gun has to be a reasonable tool for minimizing that risk* to be deemed as in need of a

OMG. All masturbatory, gun-loving posts irritate me, but these cutsie ones really get my goat.

I’m part of the COI community, and have followed Ruth for a long time. And while I don’t agree that a cat should be taken away from its owner, I 100% believe that Ruth would not do it without reason. That lady has a heart of gold and you can tell it through everything she writes and posts, especially when it comes to

Sorry dear, if she indeed “pleaded with him” not to go through with the shooting, that has nothing to do with cause and effect. That means she knew he was planning to do something and that it was something he shouldn’t do. So unless part of her learning disability involves sudden amnesia, I don’t buy it.

SAME. This woman’s legal guilt is a matter for the courts. It’s such a fraught and confused situation, people shouldn’t be leaping to “BURN THE STUPID EVIL BITCH DEVIL”. Jez has a real problem with ableism and that’s out in full, disgusting display in the comments of this article. I'm a queer woman with a learning

I know everyone is ready to crucify this woman and all, BUT.. my child’s father has these same sorts of problems. It isn’t anything you can see and it is due to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. We’re not together anymore and its something you need some time with someone to recognize. We only had him diagnosed at about 25. I

Oh, christ.