I’m sure you are fantastic, but the answer will always be him.
I’m sure you are fantastic, but the answer will always be him.
John Hodgman, Time Traveler: Confirmed.
It was honestly amazing to read. They spoke about the girls in their school as if they were objects; walking vaginas who refused to open for “nice guys” like them.
Brock Turner’s dad wants to know how many minutes the stabbing took before he decides whether the sentencing is fair or not.
What an entitled piece of shit.
Right there with you. Of the group of men who spent my late childhood and early teens raping, and torturing me only one ever served time, and was then allowed back in to the same community. He served 5 years.
5 years. And I’ve spent the last 30 years barely holding myself together, I’m borderline agoraphobic, have…
20 Minutes. My rapist took only about 15. That was >40 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten. These rapists think they are blameless. It only took 20 minutes, why is the rest of my life in ruins. BECAUSE THE REST OF MINE IS RUINED. POS
But how!?!???? Almost like you are responsible for your own actions!?!??
That’s all the son thinks he did wrong too. He blames binge drinking and sexual promiscuity. Wonder where he got that.
I drank a shit ton of wine last night and I managed not to rape anyone.
Every time I read a report about someone being beaten or choked, I think about how long two minutes is when I’m stirring cake batter or kneading bread. It’s always longer than I think it will be. To imagine a child being harmed for that long, or for someone to have to look into the face of an attacker, is so…
I’m just glad we can finally focus on the real victim, his dad’s stash of pretzels.
“By having people like Brock educating others on college campuses is how society can begin to break the cycle of binge drinking and its unfortunate results.” - holy shit, does he really think the only lesson anyone should take away from this is not to binge drink??? How about DON’T RAPE
Oh yeah, the dad is definitely a rapist. 100%.
But but but it was a “wafer thin mint” of a rape. Hardly worth getting upset about! She didn’t even feel it! Fair game no backsies!
Guy’s proud of raising a rapist. Living vicariously through his “action.”
And my only thought: How many times has his father forced his “20 minutes of action” on some victim?
Yeah. Fuck that guy. Now we know where the kid gets the entitled, irresponsible attitude.
20 minutes out of a life is actually a really long time to violate someone when you consider that you can kill in seconds. Time isn’t indicative of harm.
“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”