“paid up to $35,000 for seminars to learn about the billionaire’s real estate investment strategies”
Baby needs a diaper change
The very existence of a fictional work about an extremely committed and organized sociopath who happened to be a woman is now going to be used against actual women making claims of abuse.
I never read the book or saw the fillum, but I am given to understand this involves pinching people hard when no one’s looking and chopping the shit out of Neil Patrick Harris. So *thumbs up* get it Amber, etc.
Paul Bettanny is defending Johnny. This needs to be a separate post. I’ve been raging non-stop about thia because I’m tired of the mental gymnastics people would rather do before accepting that their beloved celebrity hit his wife. This is the problem with celebrity worship. We put these people on pedestals and it’s…
This is just speculation: I’m thinking maybe two top execs and a few midlevel marketing people.
Yeah, there’s who I want backing me up as a not drug-and-alcohol addled violent creep: Mickey fucking Rourke!!
I am currently living with someone who pulled that shit last night on me. I reminded her that I am living with her because I ran to escape my husband, who beat me all the fucking time. I told her to remember how bad people were to me when I first ran, stating no one had heard him threaten me to slit my throat or we…
He’s calling out Johnny Depp’s PR team for smearing Depp’s wife in the press. Johnny Depp wife accused him of abuse, and now there’s a media campaign to make Amber Heard look like she’s lying, which Richter is linking back to Depp’s publicists.
this right here - bruises are not the indicator of if abuse happened. I had my ex break my fucking arm. i had a friend fix it for me (she’s a nurse) but the amount of people saying, “but we weren’t there” just pisses me off. dude, i can get an xray and show what was done but most of the abuse was never anything…
People would say those same things about my soon-to-be-ex, too. Thankfully mine hadn’t gotten this far, but the image these guys present outside the home makes people not want to believe their partners.
He’s saying that Depp is smearing her in the press to get away from abuse allegations. Where are you getting the other side?
Yea I’m loving Andy right now. The people who are all “but even the cops didn’t see bruises” don’t understand that a bruise doesn’t appear right away, it usually appears hours later and sometimes takes up to a day to appear, these people need to go away.... I work with a lot of them... and this is all I have been…
I love it when guys defend other guys by talking about *their* own friendship as evidence for why the guy must not have beaten his female partner. It’s like white guys saying “my white friend has always been great to me, there’s no way he’s racist!!”
Andy gets it!
It takes balls to stand up to one of Hollywood’s megastars.
One has to wonder how many of Disney’s top executives have spent their Memorial Day weekend in an emergency meeting.
just want to say....