This. “Usually” is one of those words that just doesn’t belong around guns, kids, or nuclear launch codes.
This. “Usually” is one of those words that just doesn’t belong around guns, kids, or nuclear launch codes.
This shit happens every fucking day and nothing is changing.
They're filming what will likely be their last real moment with their friend, where she's still lucid and herself. I'd probably do the same thing.
God that was bitter sweet. I'm tearing up. Poor girl and great of Florence to do this. The girl has an amazing pitch as well. Doing second voice like that is not an easy task. Hopefully she recovers from whatever her ailment is, I am afraid to look for the info because she looks seriously ill.
“The Deportation Force will be fitted out with the classiest, best-tailored shirts money can buy. All in one color, I think, for unity. Maybe teal. Whatever it is, they’ll look FANTASTIC.”
We have don’t have the ability to move or temporarily house 11 million people. Any large population internment camp will quickly become inadequately manned and lack the necessary facilities. Large amounts of people in an inadequate and small area is a concentration camp.
That and it is basically an ethnic cleansing…
I don’t think it’s even in bad taste. Putting the holocaust on some kind of “nothing will ever be that bad again” pedestal only serves to ensure that we won’t notice until after something is that bad again because all apt comparisons were considered to be “bad taste”.
How is it in bad taste to bring up historically accurate information which mirrors the Republican candidate’s stated ideology?
The fact that Kristallnacht needs to be defined twice in this article is kinda proof enough that people have NO FUCKING CLUE how horrible shit got and how Hitler got started. So no, the language isn’t too strong. Trump is a fucking Nazi.
That’s what I’m thinking. People who are saying Trump’s plan is like the Holocaust or that he’ll build concentration camps are being ridiculous. But if this pans out the way he has proposed, comparing it to internment camps and Kristallnacht is actually a fair analogy.
I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.
You know, my first instinct was to think he was Godwining himself. But then you read things like this:
And, yet, he is in prison and she is not! Ha ha ha!
He PICKED these women to go after specifically because they had a record - and he had access to police records to KNOW that they had prior brushes with the law he could use to undermine their credibility.
Didn’t get drafted...SO HIS DREAMS AND SPIRIT WERE CRUSHED? And then he picked himself up by the bootstraps and served his community? And these women (who were not even, you know, like credible soccer moms) took that from him? STOLE IT FROM HIM? WITH THEIR MONEY GRUBBING LIES?!
Wait, HOLD ON, why didn’t this article mention he was an all star football player? I’VE CHANGED MY MIND. It is obvious this guy didn’t do it because, football. And like, potential! AND FOOTBALL!
I’m confused as to why the gf didn’t want her name used. I’m sure two seconds of googling would yield results. It’d be one thing if she didn’t want her face shown as well but just her name? Also, the way she talked about the victims and how she didn’t know why he would choose to rape them was sickening.
This is not a woman that’s, you know, a soccer mom or someone that’s credible in society.
I didn’t like that 20/20 interviewed Holtzclaw’s family and girlfriend, either. I get wanting to get “both sides of the story” but the reporter barely asked them any tough questions. But I guess the girlfriend making a fool of herself by saying Hotlzclaw wouldn’t rape *those* women when there were plenty of…
Also, props to the SVU detective on his own force that helped to put him away. She's a badass.