imagine being a woman five feet and three inches tall, literally with the last name of little, and having the sheer brass to say, ‘sure, why not tackle the largest instrument in the orchestra’
imagine being a woman five feet and three inches tall, literally with the last name of little, and having the sheer brass to say, ‘sure, why not tackle the largest instrument in the orchestra’
I love that this story is on Jez. I was performing on stage with her on Sunday. I didn’t know her personally, but by all reports she was an awesome woman and will be dearly missed.
See comments above. A prosecutor who says they have probable cause but isn’t going ahead with charges because the victim/key witness is too fragile, is so far from ‘hearsay and bitterness’ that I wouldn’t know where to begin explaining the difference.
It infuriates me that this is the case, just like there are people who will claim all of Bill Cosby’s victims are money-hungry white women who were paid off. Especially with the internet, even though it’s gotten easier to verify and fact-check, we have paradoxically became even lazier and more prone to running with…
You also can’t claim “Very few people who are old enough to remember the case in the early 90s believe Dylan” because there’s no accurate way to measure that. What can be said, however, is that, most often, when people have expressed doubt about Dylan’s story, it has been based on misinformation like you have here…
This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public…
Susan Sarandon isn’t without problems, but damn if I’m not here for this.
The number of people who have no fucks to give for Allen’s behaviour really amplifies the horror of his behaviour.
Yeah—I mean, why would someone feel the need to take her children away from an abuser/soon-to-be-murderer?? *sarcasm so hard*
I think about this all the time. All the damn time.
I kind of appreciate how he just came out and said it without beating around the bush, though. Usually these assholes at least try to pretend they aren’t entirely blaming the victim and excusing the rapist or murderer, but not this guy. He’s quite proud of believing that if a man murders a woman, that proves she did…
“How’s that? That’s where we just went.”
So cheating is a good reason to kill someone?
Weak, insecure men will be the death of us all.
She didn’t do anything to deserve it. No one deserves to be killed, especially in front of their own children.
Reminds me of the senior official to whom Akakiy, the poor protagonist of Gogol’s “The Overcoat,” goes to plead his case:
this is always an appropriate response to a question
JujyMonkey, we can’t judge! You’re right to focus on the relationship and love, because that really is what a marriage is about... But if someone *DOES* have the money and they want to throw these kinds of parties, at least it’s doing something to employ people and actually tends to keep the funds local. (I mean, it’d…
There’s always someone on posts like this talking about thrifty (i.e. superior) they were at their wedding but I’ve got you all beat: not getting married saves SO much money!