For what, exactly? And if you say Pizzagate, you're a moron.
For what, exactly? And if you say Pizzagate, you're a moron.
"Creepy little girl masks? I'll take 50!"
The blackness in the eyes it really what makes it creepy. Aphex Twin is probably getting ready to sue for trademark infringement.
Agreed. I've been listening to the Reservoir Dogs soundtrack recently, and it has some great songs but also a lot of really weak ones. The Pulp Fiction soundtrack is pretty much solid front to back, with the exception of "If Love Is a Red Dress," which just kills the momentum.
Napoleon Dynamite and Borat, definitely, but who quotes The Great Gatsby to be funny? Do people actually quote Bill Nye for laughs?
Those are both teetering on the precipice, and I'm sure that some unfunny people lean on both, but I don't feel like either has been abused into the ground like, say, The Dead Parrot sketch.
With all their pop-culture references and much-less-funny-than-Austin-Powers catchphrases, they have not aged well. Also: head-banging to Queen.
The rap song was in the second one. I was working in a movie theater when that came out and would catch pieces of it multiple times on every shift as people walked out to go to the bathroom (or in all likelihood, just walked out). Ugh. What a disappointment.
True. Austin Powers was another one of those movies that was perfectly contained inside its own little snow-globe, but the allure of sequel-cash was too great.
I still love this movie, but yes, it is the go-to punchline for painfully unfunny people and is sort of a victim of its own success, much like:
My favorite line, more so than the lotion one. The fact that he calls her a "person" rather than a "girl" or a "woman" is so subtle, but it just rings strange.
I was 12 going on 13 when we were visiting my sister at college. My sister had something to do one evening, so my parents and I decided to go see a movie. They wanted to see Driving Miss Daisy, but I wasn't interested, so they let me go see Silence Of The Lambs in another theater. Much of the psychological horror…
I don't get too excited about Wes Anderson anymore, but I'll always have a warm place in my heart for The Royal Tenenbaums. Grand Budapest Hotel wasn't bad either.
That is a great progression. Funky yet haunting.
Yeah, Howard Stern is so shameless that I think a lot of people feel like there's no way to embarrass yourself on his show. And for all his fart jokes, he really does have a keen sense of humor. I'll never forget the time he said Elvis was so fat, he ate lasagna with a snow shovel. I almost died.
I made some comments about DePalma earlier…made his name with a few stolen camera tricks and a lot of violence, and he leans on them hard.
Watched it a few years ago. It was some really heavy-handed crap.
I was not previously aware of this event, which makes your sentence very bizarre to me.
No, it's "Dubbuya EeNNNNNN bee-cee." Try it again.
I'll put Collateral in the Michael Mann column for this subject as well. As humorless and self-serious as Mann can be, Collateral really brings it.