
I would not object to a good remake of Hellraiser. Great villains, great horror, baaaaad dialogue. And let's do away with the soft focus that just kills the tension between all the scary scenes.

To indicate that cold indifference, we're gonna pull out a little pthalo blue. There. See that? We'll just pull our two-inch brush through that ole' indifference. Give him a nice place to live at the base of this mountain, here. Just like that.

Bob Ross's paintings maybe weren't that original or impressive, but watching him do it is amazing. His final product was never the true art; his process was.

I would say that Bob Ross's paintings are less impressive than the process of watching them emerge, which is mind-blowingly beautiful.

Actually, there was a fair amount of planning that went into any Bob Ross painting. Mental Floss very recently did an article on Bob Ross where they discovered that there are actually three versions of any Bob Ross painting:

I feel so sorry for you. At first, I thought that the Grateful Dead were a band that a lot of people liked but I could just more or less ignore (like Rush). But as the years roll by, I am continually reminded that this isn't the case. I can't imagine what it would be like if my parents were trying to "teach me the

So being whiny little bitches gave them what they wanted? Good for them. But here's the rub: when your "conviction" solely benefits you and a small circle of people who will follow you regardless, it's masturbation.

More like self-important asshole-ism. Your fans buy tickets to your shows so you can play music for a living, and you tell them to fuck off when they want to hear a song you wrote that they like. Wonder how that would work out for the average person coming to see their shows if they told the person signing their

Oh, I can totally get on board with hating that pine-cone-up-the-ass root canal of an earworm. Any time it comes on the radio, I feel queasy with embarrassment just for listening to it.

Oh my gawd, I just looked up the Dean Ween entry and got as far as “This is the most obnoxious fucking hollering I’ve ever heard in my life” and had to stop for a full minute or two because I was laughing so hard.

If it makes you feel any better, Sublime also hated that song too and wished they hadn't written it. Unfortunately, it was also one that people liked a lot for some reason, so they ended up begrudgingly playing it at their shows anyway.

Well, aren't you a sassy one? Your righteous indignance is delicious.

Well played, 9-year-old.

Or maybe if the song is too dark for your delicate sensibilities, you could just ignore it. You know, like a normal person.

I think a lot of the actual hate toward Sublime comes from overexposure. I couldn't imagine not being able to get away from the Grateful Dead, for example, so I feel for you.

At least Posehn didn't erroneously say that the guys in Sublime look like Guy Fieri. I mean, has Jonah Ray ever actually seen a picture of those guys?

Well, he did do a comedy special called The Fartist, so he's obviously got much more refined tastes than a bunch of working class pot smokers.

Your penis?

For all the rhetoric about open-mindedness that Deadheads like to spout, they are definitely not open-minded about people not caring that much for the Grateful Dead. After a dozen or so experiences of being told that I "hadn't heard the right live album yet" and that they were going to throw something on that would

Deadheads are what made me go from being indifferent about the Grateful Dead to hating them. Nothing like being sat down and made to listen to 45 minutes of some music you already don't like just because someone thinks you "haven't heard the right live album yet."