If you can fit "a completely heinous act that should put a person in prison for a long time" to music, you can rewrite it.
If you can fit "a completely heinous act that should put a person in prison for a long time" to music, you can rewrite it.
Santeria does deserve some hate, if only for the *ugh* terrible open mic night covers it invites and the amount of radio overplay it receives. But Posehn's classification of Sublime fans is just stereotyped and dumb.
Did you miss the part in the next line where he says "it's the wrong way"?
Is it unclear in the way he says "it was the wrong way" in every third line?
I was never a big Rush fan, so I never looked into their lyrics that deeply. I hope that you're right about Peart, as I do about anyone who finds inspiration in that toxic philosophy.
I never hung out with frat boys or dreadlocked white guys, but I've still known a lot of Sublime fans. And you're right: they're usually working class people who smoke pot and want to listen to good-times music that doesn't try to get all lofty on them. That's it. They wanted to hear fun music that talked about the…
That's kind of why I liked them when I was 21 and still do. They weren't deep music, but they didn't pretend to be. They played around with this and that and did it all pretty well, and their songs were rambunctious and fun. Wish I could find more bands nowadays who aren't trying to impress me.
Robbin' The Hood was actually the album that made me fall in love with Sublime. I couldn't really get into 40 Oz. To Freedom until RTH showed me that they were a lot more than a semi-ska band that sang about smoking weed.
Don't forget the Grateful Dead. Though the Grateful Dead sucks pretty bad too.
If there's one thing frat boys love, it's Wesley Willis!
I'm not even going to bother rewriting the first sentence of my comment.
THANK YOU! People get all huffy and disapproving when they hear this song, but Brad wasn't saying these were good things to do. He was being self-deprecating and acknowledging that he's a fuck-up who did a lot of really wrong things.
I'd love to hear Toots cover Badfish.
A lot of people like Sublime who don't fall into the "douchey bro" category. Why Sublime gets hatred for having frat dudes as part of their fan base and the Beastie Boys don't is beyond me.
Out of hundreds of pictures of him, I couldn't find any with him wearing a baseball cap. Fishing hats were more his thing, and those are always on backwards, even when they're on forwards.
Uh, oh. The guy who did a comedy special called The Fartist thinks I have shitty taste in music. Too bad Sarah Silverman and Bob Odenkirk aren't around to actually make him funny.
That pretty much follows what I said. So in response to Irobinl's original post: You can only say it was a fiasco if Rabin (or anyone) actually wanted to like it in the first place. It seems that this was pretty much impossible to like from the start. So the "Failure" designation holds.
I disagree. Max Tucker sounds like a normal person's name. Having the first name "Tucker," on the other hand, means you were probably born into privilege, and having the last name "Max" means you made it up because you thought it sounded cool. Much greater douche quotient.
I would call something with nothing to redeem it a failure. Fiascos are usually messy and ill-executed, but with some interesting diversions. Failures are just poorly made, watered-down, and usually boring.
Well, it serves WalMart right for tricking dopey rubes into paying for the kind of amateurish garbage they could watch on YouTube for free.