
I'm not real sure why I opened this article since I've seen other Crosby interviews where he was equally annoying, but I agree. His head is still stuck firmly in the 60s mindset where he still thinks he's going to overturn the social order and blow the squares' minds with ideas that have been known to the mainstream

Whether it makes sense to have Clinton or Sanders in the general is irrelevant. What will happen will happen, but if Hillary wins the nomination, Sanders supporters should vote for her. Thankfully, I keep speaking to more and more Sanders supporters who actually have the brains to do just that. Otherwise, their

So they'll write in Bernie in the general. Enjoy your Trump administration. You couldn't settle for your second-best, so you'll get your first-worst. Just like the Naderetards in 2000. Have fun.

No he doesn't. 2018 will be nearly all Hillary voters. The same students who don't understand the role of Congress now will still be underestimating it in two years. They always do.

How does it make no sense? Are people going to go "Well, I voted for Hillary in the primaries, and now Hillary's the nominee. Time to write-in Bernie Sanders!"

Here's another way that democracy generally works: young enthusiastic college kids don't show up for midterms. Mostly because they don't think Congress is important, which is clearly the case with the inhabitants of Bernie Land.

Um, you're the one being obtuse. I realize full well that Bernie supporters are naive and unrealistic enough to cast a meaningless protest vote, cementing their own failure. It's the same thing that happens every time there's a third-party candidate: the people who don't understand how government works end up

If you want an idea of how much support Bernie is getting from the Democratic Party, go to Wikipedia and look up his list of endorsements, then look up Hillary's.

Some will, but many won't. He basically hijacked the party and their election. How do you think they're going to react to that?

They won't vote for Sanders if Hillary's the nominee. Face the facts and stop being an idiot.

Considering that Chuck's explanation of the McGill's family life was nothing that Kim Wexler could have ever known about outside of Chuck's explanation, you are proving my point.

More like the word "mansplaining" is a term to weed out people who can't fathom the idea that a guy could ever possibly explain anything to a woman in a constructive, non-sexist way.


Here are some fun questions to ask yourself when determining how much Bernie Sanders is going to accomplish as President:

If he doesn't use his real voice, I'll be so sad.

Who cares how many Democrats voted for Bush? The fact is that of all the candidates who could have actually won, Al "An Inconvenient Truth" Gore was the closest the Naderites were going to get to having someone who was sympathetic to their goals and who had actual political pull. Instead, 97,000 of them voted for a

OMG, I was actually thinking about how great Gilbert Gottfried would be as Colonel Sanders! It would be even better if they just started putting random celebrities in the role every so often: Tom Petty, Janeane Garofalo, Martha Stewart, ?uestlove…

There is no narrative to follow or not follow; it's just basic arithmetic combined with the fact that U.S. elections are a "winner takes all" affair. There are a good number of Democrats in this country who do not see Bernie Sanders as the "best option," but would probably vote for him over Trump if he won the

Which sounds very noble until you realize that doing so will ensure the victory of someone who in no way whatsoever represents you.

The BernieBros are clearly under the mistaken impression that the executive branch has far more power than it actually does.