Enjoy your Trump administration, then. And really, if you're going to vote third party, why even waste your time showing up at the polls? For the sticker? Let those of us who actually care wait in a slightly shorter line, if you don't mind.
Enjoy your Trump administration, then. And really, if you're going to vote third party, why even waste your time showing up at the polls? For the sticker? Let those of us who actually care wait in a slightly shorter line, if you don't mind.
So basically, you're going to let Bernie sit around for two years doing nothing until 2018, when you intend to vote in a bunch of candidates with Democratic Socialist leanings, even though young people (very much like the ones who support Bernie in droves) are known for not showing up at the midterms? And this is…
I've been saying for months that those who actually think that Bernie can pass his agenda with the current Congress must have slept through 8th grade civics…and the last six years of the Obama administration.
Do you believe that because of all the wars started under the Obama and (William Jefferson) Clinton administrations?
The thing is, independent and third parties actually could win Congressional seats in certain districts in the U.S. Unfortunately, these parties are also populated by fools who don't really seem to understand how the U.S. government works. They think that President of the United States is equivalent to "King of…
Unfortunately, too many of them are idealistic enough to think that writing Bernie in will "scare" the establishment Democrats into taking on some of Bernie's platforms, a move which makes absolutely no sense, as it will make absolutely no difference if Hillary's not elected.
Jawas, probably. But like I said: two suns. Do you really need a stovetop? You ARE the stovetop!
Yeah, I built a moisture vaporator too. Took me nearly ten minutes to get that pot of water boiling. I can only imagine how hard that must be on a desert planet with two suns.
I'll always miss the album artwork, which was great with vinyl, started to flourish with the multi-fold cassette booklets, and hit near-perfection with the CD booklet. It was the first thing I looked at when I bought a new CD, even before popping the disc in.
YOU, my friend, are just full of great ideas!
You're a genius, baby, a GENIUS! I'm thinkin' black, but with a handicap to make him sympathetic while ratcheting up the anger behind his sassiness.
I once showed up as Kirk at a Star Trek convention, but it was Kirk Cameron, who apparently wasn't in Star Trek. What a waste of 50 bucks.
You look at her and you say, "Weird. I don't remember Linda Blair doing any sci-fi films in '77."
These folks were doing it in a mall. Before it was slightly less uncool.
Nothing like a little Bossa Nova to get you in the mood for some galaxy-exploring!
I've watched it a couple times. It holds up pretty well to multiple viewings.
They're gonna be yuge!
She's in the middle of an ongoing murder investigation with other things on her mind, not at a friendly social gathering. That's why it's inappropriate.
I really don't know. I'd have to go back and watch it again. That would be an interesting little detail.