I guess if you count oxygen as pollution and leaves as litter.
I guess if you count oxygen as pollution and leaves as litter.
It was forgettable at most, but I think a lot of people really like to lay into it because "Hey, it's a Shyamalan film. People will upvote me. Why not spit acid in its face?"
YES! THAT's what Shyamalan movies need! MORE TITS!
I cahn't do my wuurk!!
Actually, that last statement should be reversed.
We don't mention Nightmare on Elm Street 2 here. We're just polite to it when it comes for Thanksgiving with its roommate Charles.
Well, he didn't so much climb inside the animal as the animal climbed around him.
John Malkovich: World's Most Dangerous Animal
Technically, he wasn't. No walrus parts were used in his transformation.
Did you catch Mac from It's Always Sunny… as an extra near the end?
Yet this is more than a bit more like a public forum and a bit less like your living room. We all hate opinions that we don't agree with, but the mixed blessing of living in a free society is that we occasionally DO have to contend with objectionable ideas.
Both of them deserved half pay.
Does reek of Big Brother a bit, tho.
But did Duchovny ever pose naked with an eel? I didn't think so!
Your neighbor's mate is getting $98/hour and you're only making $87/hour? Time to stand up for yourself, girl! Kick some ass!
And eats half as much and lives in a midget house!
This actually may have set the idea of white people rapping all the way back to the age of Wendy's training videos.
That's a bingo.
Gimme big donuts or I'll give you gay!
The burns in this rap could probably be treated well enough by just going "Ooo, geez! That's kind of hot!" and then conscientiously getting out your oven mitts.