Dude, you should have been there back in the day. Not watching SNL was all the rage in the late 90s.
Dude, you should have been there back in the day. Not watching SNL was all the rage in the late 90s.
The fact that people want to shut the Trump show down completely.
Well, it will certainly do him more favors for him than going on Face the Nation or some other show that actually asks him questions (known in the Trump lexicon as "attacks") and doesn't have the common courtesy to come with a script.
Internet anonymity is the BEST!
I hate to think that I'm taking part in spurring Trump-presence on the AV Club, but I just can't help myself. I avoid him everywhere else, but here, I just can't stay away.
Hey, if they abandoned this thread, that's their own fault. This has been the best pissing contest on the AV Club since Jennifer Lawrence complained about her salary.
How many downvotes before Disqus deletes you?
He does insist that Trump would take New York state in a general election, though. Definitely delusional.
True, though PA tends to go back and forth with its governors and do strange stuff like elect Rick Santorum.
Go ahead. Make my day.
I am having serveral millions US$ of retardeds in an offshore bank account. Pls respond to this discrete message to claim your most honorable rewards.
You are seriously divorced from reality if you think Trump is going to come anywhere close to taking New York. The last time a Republican took New York was Ronald Reagan, and Trump is no Ronald Reagan. And yes, it is relevant that she got reelected (in 2006) even AFTER voting for the Patriot Act (in 2001 and 2006).
Ole' Donald taught him everything he knows!
And I'm sure those latinos just LOVE how Trump is talking about deporting their relatives and friends.
Is that why she got reelected senator? Because everyone hates her so much?
And its current mayor is Democrat Bill deBlasio. You might want to hedge your bets a bit more.
We're talking about New York state. The same state that elected and reelected Hillary Clinton as senator.
If we could, we would have already.
And employ cheap immigrant labor.
Are you talking about the same New York that's been solid blue for the last 30 years?