
top 10 for sure. There was also a sales guy who, when he was demonstrating a guitar for a customer, would always play the opening solo to 'Black Magic Woman'. Which sounded *so weird* on its own with no accompaniment.

Definitely! That would probably round out the top 3.

I don't think I heard anyone play Stairway when I worked at a music store in the late 90's. The most-heard riffs at the time were probably 'Enter Sandman' and 'Come As You Are'

You nailed it. People look at me like I'm an alien when I tell them that Ray Romano was amazing on Dr. Katz. He was! He was great! Irrera and also Andy Kindler were top tier

lol I saw this thread and thought "wait - do they mean the Tess Wiley Splendora?"

looks like the Superball EP tracks are on the new b-sides comp.

I'm very, very excited by all of this. Which seems wrong because 'excitement' is not a feeling you'd associate with the music of Helium. Still, they were one of those bands I obsessively hunted down every last b-side for back in the day. I pre-ordered 'Ends With And' immediately.

I agree, it seems to be the default setting to think the first three seasons of Family Guy were the best. They were'nt. They were kinda awful, actually. The post-return seasons is when the show really hit its stride.

Wait, I thought Gen Xers hated 80's music. That's what I was taught as a college student in 1993.

Yes, this is already what 90% of 'fake news' getting passed around facebook is. There's some TOTALLY pulled-from-thin-air stuff is out there, but not nearly as abundant as hyper-partisan stuff from conservativetribune.com and such. And really it's more fake headlines than fake news. Often the article doesn't say

He got it right on the milk, though. Shatto Milk is the best shit ever

I can't believe you would list "Best New Artist" as a straightforward category, it's often the most confusing category on the list. Imogen Heap was nominated for Best New Artist in 2007 when her first album was released in 1998. It's not the Grammys, but Luke Bryan was nominated for Best New Artist CMA in 2010 AND

My college band covered this song! 'Supermodel' is the catchiest thing ever - it should have been a fondly remembered 90's classic. I didn't encounter it from the Empire Records soundtrack, but rather from some random compilation cd that also had Lucas With The Lid Off and a track of Henry Rollins reading an excerpt

Thank you so much for posting the link to that Imp piece. I've been waiting my whole life to read the definitive writeup on the work of Jack Chick and had no idea that it existed. I've always wondered what kind of influence Chick had on comics artists. Some of it (especially the work by Fred Carter) is friggin

I unabashedly love Chick Tracts and would love to know if any well-known comics artists cite them as influences. Jack Chick was NUUUUUUUUUTS - obsessed with homosexuality, satanic rock music, Catholic Church conspiracies… most of them are available to read at Chick's offiical website. The insta-conversion you

I never saw Thief In The Night, but I saw its first sequel, A Distant Thunder, several times in various churches and Christian schools growing up. The best part - and I'd be curious if this happens in Thief as well - was that A Distant Thunder used music (probably from some generic music-for-films collection) that

I am so on board with the central theme of this series - that 90's movie soundtracks are a fascinating snapshot of pop culture at a very specific point in time. And of all of them, none is more mind-bending than the Judgement Night soundtrack. It's so weird! Not only did it John-the-Baptist the nu-metal explosion,

I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that Brainbloodvolume isn't that good (other than the last two songs which are Ned's classics) The 5.22 collection is the album I hoped BBV would be. God Fodder has lots of great songs, lyrics, and energy, but AYN? is just incredible. Nothing else sounds like it.

A lot of people probably think the song is an anti-television screed instead of a self-portrait of a guy who can't get off the couch.

As I began reading, I realized that it was going to legit ruin my day if Ned's Atomic Dustbin was purged. I felt a genuine sense of relief when Are You Normal? (my personal favorite album ever) made the cut.