
I didn't say Japanese pizza was authentic - I just said, if you have a problem with certain ingredients, don't order them - don't go around bitching about how inauthentic Japanese pizza is when, for example, most takes on Japanese food in other countries are far from authentic.

That's why you read the menu - never, ever order/buy food in Japan expecting things to be exactly as you picture American ideas of what's "normal" for food are different, so nine times out of ten you'll be surprised because it doesn't match your expectations. Pizzas which contain mayo are very clearly marked in both

Er, order a pepperoni pizza from Dominoes or Pizza Hut in Japan and it will be identical to one ordered in America, except maybe slightly nicer looking since the staff in Japan are a little more careful. Also, if I'm not mistaken, I believe a Japanese person won an international Italian-style (i.e., real real pizza)

Or, hey, here's an idea - if you don't like pizza with Japanese-style toppings, don't order a pizza with Japanese-style toppings. Order a regular old pepperoni pizza, or a plain and choose whatever toppings you like. Totally foreign idea, I know, but in Japan, you can actually choose which toppings to put on your