
No offense to Sean, but most of his MotoGP articles are click-bait. Also, he usually writes his articles with a certain bias, and then when people correct him he agrees with them. He is likely trying to stir up conversation with the way he writes his articles.

Half-Life 3 Confirmed.

There, fixed it for you.

I baby sometimes with our Mini Cooper, but the wife doesn’t like trying to lift carseat into back (2-door). So it has to be with me, usually she will sit behind me with the little guy (now 6-months). Stroller will not fit when she is back there though so if we take that she will have to sit in front.

OK, see ya!

What do you have? Also, 175K is not that much miles for something ~20 years old.

Care to elaborate?

Obviously you don’t remember 90's GM, Ford, or Dodge.

I see what you did there.

Money =/= Driving Skill

My 4-speed 80's Japanese 4x4 is not the most pleasant thing to drive when attempting freeway speeds in hills/mountains. I think 1 or 2 more gears in that thing would make it feel not so underpowered.

I thought this was a separate “concept” bike different from the one they are releasing this year. I guess I was wrong.

Do you know what the displacement is on this bike? I am looking at Duel Sports/Adventure bikes in the 500-700cc range. To me this looks like a 600/650cc but I could be wrong.

Where is the Trailhawk Hellcat that we deserve?

My wife wasn’t given a middle name at birth, so she took her maiden name as middle name and took my surname as hers. That is also an option for you to replace your middle name with your last name, and you can still technically use both names.

You don’t understand the cost of tooling or economies of scale do you?

So is the Equus still a Hyundai, or is it a Equus Equus, or Genesis Equus?

There are already regulations in place to make the winglets safer. They have to have a certain minimum radius so they are not too sharp, and able to pierce things. Also they must stick out no wider than the widest part of the fairing.


I think 6 forward gears + reverse is the perfect amount. No more than necessary for an enjoyable driving experience.