
Where is the Trailhawk Hellcat that we deserve?

My wife wasn’t given a middle name at birth, so she took her maiden name as middle name and took my surname as hers. That is also an option for you to replace your middle name with your last name, and you can still technically use both names.

You don’t understand the cost of tooling or economies of scale do you?

So is the Equus still a Hyundai, or is it a Equus Equus, or Genesis Equus?

There are already regulations in place to make the winglets safer. They have to have a certain minimum radius so they are not too sharp, and able to pierce things. Also they must stick out no wider than the widest part of the fairing.


I think 6 forward gears + reverse is the perfect amount. No more than necessary for an enjoyable driving experience.

I think he forgot to drop the tire size down about 6 inches, just maybe.

Van Der Mark also has ridden [the same bike] 26 races more than Hayden. This is VDM’s second season on same bike, he was only 1 place ahead of Hayden on the second race last weekend. That must tell you something doesn’t it.

http://www.worldsbk.com has a season pass which lasts all year. You can stream live or watch any past race from like 10 years ago to present.

Nothing in that race was dirty. Not that I could see.


I’m going to have to disagree with your assessment of Nicky Hayden.

Thank you Doug! This is the best birthday present anyone could give me. I was starting to think how I would make it through the rest of the work-day, but now I’ll be fine.

Elio next-gen rotary confirmed.

Bring a few rolls of duct tape and zip ties.

I don’t think having a buy-in tax then even distribution makes sense. Did we learn nothing from USSR? I agree that a $.50 - $1 gas tax could be beneficial, but not sure where that money would go or how much would be wasted, you know, government red tape and all.

I don’t get it, why can’t VW issue a firmware fix for the emissions issue. If they can detect when the car is being tested, and put it into “limp mode”, they can certainly issue a firmware fix to have the car permanently in “limp mode”. That could have been a day 1 fix. While researching other possible fixes.

Have you ever heard of driveline binding?