
Yea. To something not retarded.
Like...oh...I dunno....'Batman & Superman:WORLD'S FINEST'.
You know, the actual preexisting term for Batman and Superman...

While his response is odd... I find this post a bit more troubling. It seems like this post is saying "we're going with Temkin's version of events happened, but..."

Funny the excuses pirates come up with. "Oh, I wanted to try it on my laptop to see if it ran or not. Ended up beating it. I might buy it later." "Oh, this game blows, I'm glad I didn't buy it. But I did put 50 hours into it." "Oh, developers are all rich, so I feel ok not giving them money." "I don't have much money,

BMO anyone?

I want to see the new Godzilla design featured in a (good) game. I want a damn Godzilla renaissance. Make the big G a household name again like when I was a kid. Giant monsters should be the next Hollywood fad, like superheroes. How great would that be?

PS3 isn't region locked. just import it.

Let's face it, the fact it lasted five years is nothing short of miraculous. We saw how bad season 4 was, do we want to risk a final year of poor material or just remember it fondly as it went out?


It's got to be a deliberate leak by now. It won't have the oomph the big E3 stuff will have but it drums up interest and hype in the game for the big reveal. The game has only been known about for just over a week and this much high quality info in such a small amount of time just before E3 is too much of a

"When you start up a retro game on an old-school console, what you play will typically look antiquated"

I'm perfectly happy with my Light Bar . . .

Something is very wrong with you.

Nobody overlooks it - we simply don't care.

Honestly, I'm getting tired of this growing attitude where fans think the story should be told the way they want it to be told. I've been getting sick of this attitude since Mass Effect 3. That's not how stories work. Someone writes it, someone else experiences it. The reader/viewer doesn't have to like it, but they

Every time there is a Nintendo announcement, they get farther and farther away from anything that I would ever be interested in, and it's sad. I love this idea of Nintendo, and what they were, and what they meant to my childhood, but I don't think their rapid deviation from the value I think they have is only due to

The second or third largest telecommunication equipment provider that owns a huge part of GSM and 3G patents and over half of 4G patents? The second or third largest mapping and location services provider in the world? A massive patent portfolio..

Yes. Bloggers these days, can't even get simple facts straight. Microsoft bought D&S of Nokia. The rest of Nokia is still very much Nokia that has nothing to do with Microsoft.

Microsoft now officially owns part of Nokia, no?

Grey Goo looks really cool. This was designed by the guys who practically invented RTS. - Westwood Studio old school team: Petroglyph Games.