
Why wouldn't Katniss fight Zombies?

Boo fucking hoo.

What if I told you that you could own a PC and a console?

those bikes did not have RoW... lane splitting = illegal

"Running over bike riders is in no way justifiable" - I respectfully disagree.

Did any of you honestly think a game like this was possible on hardware you were using back in November 2005?

Yep he's in the comic much in the same way you describe, although I always took those those scenes to be more as vision's relating to Eric's mood (the train and the horse, flashbacks to him and Shelly, etc) as opposed to being taken as something that was actually happening in the narrative. He's never really named or

the skull cowboy was absolutely in "the first one". i know this because i have my copy out right now and am looking at him in book one.

Yes, the skull cowboy was in the original comic. Every time Eric would remember his life and day dream (about his girlfriend), the SC would come in and mess it up. Usually killing her again or things like that. Eric was a classic revenant and his desire to get revenge is what was needed to maintain his powers. THAT

Right, because there's never been game competitions using anything but a keyboard and mouse...

I wonder if we will delve into the psychological brutality of warfare among our canine friends as well.

I honestly don't really believe that pc master race is really a master race. you guys miss out on some great games because you feel so superior with your pc (i have gaming pc too but I don't brag about it). I leave this picture here for reference.

I have plenty of money for gaming. I own hundreds of games, many I never even open. And this is the first couple of consoles I've felt little to no reason to own at launch. It just feels like there's really nothing there but a graphical update, and probably the smallest generational one we've ever seen so far. I wash

I've been trying to figure out how to turn my router into a Street Pass relay since I live in the middle of nowhere... but I admit the tutorials and threads I've read on it read like rocket science.

When angels fall from heaven, they are given no choice but to become Devils. You agree, don't you Spike?

Okay, Shou's pretty bad, but if we're talking about Father of the Year material that deserves to be on this list, it's worth remembering Gendou Ikari. At least Tucker shows some remorse over what he did in the first FMA anime; Gendou is so determined to be a bad dad that it almost seems like he's trying to top his TV

Why not buy a 3DS XL and turn off the 3D? That's what I do. I'm not a fan of 3D.

...The 3D aspect of the Nintendo 3DS has always been optional.

Yeah, I've been dying to see this game happen. Sony needs to get Square Enix on board, too.