
So basically... Sony teased the world with the idea that a Bioshock title was to come to the Vita, without any real plans being put in place or any actual work done.

this is the best item of the bunch! totally jealous.

Oh, that would do it, esp. in hard economic times!

...I can't imagine not enjoying cherry pie, let alone FREE cherry pie!

Uhm, pardon me - but that's not what "convicted" means. The man is charged - the conviction happens at the end of the trial if he is found guilty.


LM:DM was a fantastic and highly polished title. Loved every moment of it. Easy choice imo!

Wow... this is unprecedented, and i tip my hat to MS' Xbox division.

a cover of Heart Shaped Box?!

So... it looks like an xbox one? is it just me?

...i want to go to there

Not without some super simple means to pirate apps (without needing a jailbreak).

Don't overlook DmC on PC - that's actually what got me thinking a living room pc might be the way to go.

At this point, personally I am thinking I'm just going to build a gaming pc for my tv and rock Steam. I just can't get excited for this generation of consoles.

the 360 is powerpc based. the original xbox was x86.

At least my NES still works.

Don't think of it as a full GT title - it's more like a refresh on GT5 (Think GT3 -> GT4)

Does it really matter what the box itself looks like?

Stuff like this is the reason to have the eShop. Sell it digital, and let the hardcore gobble it up. Also, i'd really love to see Earthbound extended to the 3DS. Not keen on having to own a WiiU for it.

So... i guess this is what will get me to get the Wii U...