

On the Vita, the best used of the rear touch i've seen has been with Katamari so far.

I cannot wait to get this bundle. Does it support cloud saving for cross play? that would just be wonderful.

I... I just can't get excited for this coming generation. Or at least I have no motivation to be an early adopter.

Ok so, to be perfectly honest - if the rumored hardware specs of both next gen playstation and xbox are at all rooted in reality... i'm already bored. They are pretty much the same damn hardware in slightly different configurations and amounts of RAM. Yawn.

Here's the catch (I'm a 3ds ambassador btw) - The GBA titles on the 3ds lack the sort of polish the average end user would expect. You can't access any of the 3ds menus like you can with the VC titles - in fact my hypothesis on the GBA titles is they are being run on the 3ds' hardware directly (via ARM binary

My first computer was a glorious DEC Rainbow 100 with a 16meg hard disk (partitioned into 2 volumes - one for DOS and one for CP/M).

OH hell YES.

Its been some time since i played it last, but I don't recall it having the radio like other GTA titles do (it's an NDS game), Thus, No Lazlow :)

I'd really love a solid JRPG on my 3DS. Please Square, make this happen!

I'd bet Jello would approve.


first, i have my fingers crossed that Alison Brie is in Captain America 2. I'm just retarded for her.

Trust me, at least Nintendo didn't opt for a proprietary "3DS Memory Card".

Owch. My Jasper 360 has been solid and its fairly quiet when a game is installed to the hard disk. the PS3 is generally quieter by far however...

Do you not install your 360 games to your hard disk?

You know, Boarderlands 2 on the Vita isn't a bad idea. I'd buy it.

You are the second person in recent weeks that i've observed using "SyFy" in place of SciFi.

Thanks! This has been bugging me for some time (but not enough to actually shell out the cash to see this flick in theaters lol)

Could you do me a favor and confirm or deny my hunch that Premium Rush ends with a sort of Cannonball Run style lead in for a sequel?