
I'm one of those rare gamers who actually enjoys the CoD single player experience - so it's rather upsetting to hear this. (i'm also the sort of gamer who will gladly fire up a handheld while the wife watches reality TV)

now wait just a second... "campaign of Special Ops missions"?

I have not had a reason to yet. My fight stick is still pretty solid, but I have seen the various guides for the part swaps and it would totally be a fun project.

Oh no - i WISH! Just one of these:

Damn this looks sick... but to be perfectly honest my MadCatz Street Fighter 4 fightstick has served me very very well (it also doesn't hurt that i got it on sale for around $20 just as the *Super* SF4 branded sticks were coming out.)

At no point did i deny so-called LED displays look better than prior generations of LCD displays.

Not exactly. The OP (like many other people today) - seemed to be under the impression that LED tvs and LCD tvs are fundamentally different display technologies. Have another look at his original post: "It probably looks yellow because it's an LCD screen. Compared to LED's, LCD images look quite yellow."

Of course they'll look different - you've got two totally different means to illuminate the LCD panel.

So is there any chance this will come to NA? IF not - the Vita is region free, right?

You do realize that so-called LED tvs and such are simply LCD panels using LED back lighting, right?

I am very keen on Gravity Rush. The demo was cool, and I am liking the fact that this is a fresh IP and not a sequel.

There are print versions and then a comic book adaptation if i am not mistaken.

I started reading the books as soon as i finished watching s01. I had to know what was going to happen next, and didn't want to miss any details from the first book... i ended up chewing through all 5 available books AND the dunk and egg stories before s02 started (to be clear, these were not the only books i read

This isn't a reply to anyone in particular, but does anyone have ANY solid info on a re-release of the Dunk & Egg stories? I thought i had heard a 4th was being written and would be included in a single volume collection of all 4.

Wait for the paperback - it should have a teaser chapter from TWoW :D

Sorry, i'll stick with this:

For someone who reads while commuting every day, the consistent and predictable size of my kindle makes it easier to store in my bag.

oh bother.

Yeah i was kind of disappointed at the size of the Resistance demo... I really wanted to give that a try before i purchased...

As a recent Vita purchaser, I assure you that you will find the hardware flat out sexy. Feels good in the hands, the screen is pretty huge, and it's a lot lighter than it looks (without feeling cheap).