
Yup, my wife and I actually went up when we heard the sap was running again after the warm spell. It was running really well, and the sap seemed ok - but we ended up boiling for 5 hours and ended up with basically maple water. In the end it just wasn't worth the time and effort to keep going (basically it would have

My wife's family is up in Vermont, and we head up there to help out with sugaring at least once per year.

I pre-ordered this at PAX East :)

At least it's not Slant Six....

Don't fear the Fluff!!! Don't get me wrong it's not an every day sort of thing, but once i a while, a fluffernutter really hits the spot.

Oh yes, he sure did!

Well, there WAS a recent X-Men event called Schism - in which Logan takes a team of x-men one way, and Cyclops does the same. Logan even started his own mutant school - you can see his end of things in the series Wolverine and the X-Men and Cyclops' in the recently rebooted Uncanny X-Men.

Dude- Wolverine is kind of on EVERY Marvel team these days. In fact I know i've seen a joke in a semi-recent issue where he's asked to join another team and basically says "why not, i'm on all the others".

It kind of boils down to who will control The Phoenix (which is headed back to earth).

*ahem* Ed Furlong didn't use an Atari Lynx to hack the ATM... he used an Atari Portfolio

If i recall correctly, the introduction of 32bit windows applications also helped it to it's grave. OS/2's windows emulation only supported 16bit binaries, so once Win95 came around and Windows suddenly was all about 32bit... OS/2 started to kick the bucket.

Oh wow, major DERP on my part.

"game companies know that most casual fighting games fans only support one major fighting game at a time"

"Games could be significantly more affordable."

So Sony is bent on repeating the mistakes of the original Xbox by using off the shelf parts?

So... what if the target is the sort to always have the most current iOS update applied? Those updates tend to lock out the current jailbreak method (and while it seems like they always get worked around in the end, there usually IS lag time - now you've got to introduce MORE lab due to the corp QA process and all

Is anyone really THAT shocked that Slant 6 botched this?

I'm such a fanboy...

Based on my prior experience with Slant Six Games I'd say wait and see if there even ARE reviews. SOCOM: Confrontation hit retail broken and wasn't reviewed by the press. That was not a great way to waste $60.

Ok, I feel like we're on the same page here. I too have supported PlayStation since the PSX with 2 system purchases over the lifetimes of all the systems (2x ps1, 2x ps2s, and now 2x ps3s [not to mention 2x psps]) - and to be honest I just can't seem to get hot and bothered for the Vita. The lack of a US UMD trade in