
i think i own a DVD copy of the movie this game is based on... or something along those lines.

i am confident that many hardcore gamers would easily and willingly fork over money for something along the lines of a "fan-sub" style released. Just give us some english subtitles - no need to re-record the voice acting - and english menus.

Has anyone told these people that video games are fiction?

I was *VERY* lucky. At this point there are no visible signs that i had the stroke, so again - i am SUPER lucky.

Well, Today is my first day back at my job all regular style after working form home for about 2 months - recovering from the small stroke i had back in September. I'm glad to be back (sorta lol).

If the Playbook is only now getting a native email and cal app - then maybe Android could be more useful to those who purchased the Playbook? Hell from what I understand you need to set up a Bluetooth connection to an existing blackberry to run any of the BlackBerry apps...

Ok so since the Kindle Fire and the Playbook are *very* similar hardware - has there been any effort to get Android up and running properly on the Playbook?

Sounds like they want to re-sell you 8 and 16bit era games. they simply haven't attracted anyone to the platform as of yet (hence the DRM talk).


Call me crazy, but I've always been convinced there was a sort of conspiracy between MS and Sega to get Sega to bow out of the console market to make room for the Xbox. Pay em off, give em a sweetheart deal for development on the xbox platform, borrow/reuse a few key ideas and concepts...

Dear PETA. Screw you, I'm going to eat a cheese burger while i play SM3DL.

And then there are those gamers like myself, who enjoy zelda, mario, ff AND CoD :D

is it any more unbelievable than buying a season pass for a different game's DLC? If you're confident you'll be buying CoD Map Packs... Elite makes sense, even if you ignore all the social aspects.

Ah crap, I forgot this was out on Sunday. Gotta see if there's some extra cash in the gaming budget... ugh.

first - i love all fps - blah blah blah

you know just once, i'd like for a local store to break a street date. Closest i've come was when Target put Zelda OoT 3D on the shelf a week or so early - then refused to sell it to me.

Wow, what a terrible story. That poor girl :(

Honestly, i never understood why there werent more games on the ps3 that simply had the option for keyboard and mouse. The only game i can recall that supported it officially was Unreal Tournament 3.

wait the Vita doesn't come with a memory card? weak... the PSP even came with a 32meg card to get you started....

I always play the campaign. I honestly don't understand why people don't, esp. with Call of Duty. I view the multiplayer as a bonus for when im done the single player game.