
So when exactly does the week end? Saturday? Sunday? What time zone? Are we on Japan time with this one? heh

I'm right there with you in terms of waiting for OoT3D and going through the backlog. I'm trying to convince myself to get motivated to play the rest of FF13. I hit a brick wall of apathy after about 45hours, but i really would like to see this one to it's end.

Ugh. I'm still kind of in love with my 360 though?! I waited until the Jasper rev to complete my trifecta of current gen systems... Still feels like it's got some legs on it. However, it would be really silly to assume development on a next-gen system wasn't started in some way after the 360 was released.

Does SOCOM 4 even have an offline mode? Been wondering that ever since PSN went down right after its release...

If Nintendo enabled SD card usage like they eventually did for the Wii - or even take it one step further and just make it part of the useable file system as soon as the card is inserted, i don't feel the 8gigs of storage will be too huge a deal.

Seriously Sony, you and me? We're fucking done professionally.

I cannot wait till i can scrub my CC info out of my PSN account... PSN+ isn't worth this shit.

As a PSN+ member, you can't directly compare it to XBL Gold (which i have and use as well!). PSN+ is more like a membership to Costco or Sam's Club - you get access to crazy discounts and sometimes freebies. You're getting online play, free, period, end of story when you sign up for a PSN account.

Didn't Home 1.5 just launch too? I wonder if this has anything to do with it, OR if it's related at all to the various issues with EC2 atm...

You know, HD-DVD might actually be the perfect disk format for Nintendo. It's larger than a stock DVD, and the fact that it failed as a consumer video format means you're not going to find HD-DVD drives or recordable media very easily.

I want an on-board Ethernet jack, and i want it to be about the same size as the wii. HDMI is a must! Also, do whatever it takes to woo the 3rd parties. In short, make me think twice about a ps4 or xbox 3... and for the love of satan a proper wireless game pad. keep the wiimote and such - but take the classic

That's nice - what about 5.1 audio support? c'mon netflix/ms!

my guess - portal 2 will be released early on steam heh

As a long-time GAP member, i second this statement. I use to take pride in the betas i tested, but now any dumbass with $50 can get in on it via PSN+. ugh.

3DS owners! If you also have a Wii and happen to use a usb Ethernet adapter to get your Wii online - be sure to unplug it before attempting to transfer Mii from the Wii to the 3DS. Both systems will get somewhat confused and will sort of hang. A quick flip of the 3DS wifi switch cleared that up, and once i unplugged

FF8 has honestly been my favorite of the series. Never understood why it wasn't liked by more people...

YES!!!!! FF5 is so under-rated compared to 6.

Slant 6 is involved?! NO THANK YOU.

Dear Nintendo - Look. Here. Just take my $300, and give me a 3DS and Street Fighter, ok? Why must i wait?! I KNOW THESE ARE ON US SHORES! IN BACK ROOMS! ARGHHH.

A guide about jailbreaking that fails to mention the ONE item that keeps me jailbreaking?!?