Ultra Glow

That trailer was 50% sound effects ("Frrrommpth…" - something allegedly momentous happening!!!)… 20% Batman Begins soundtrack… and 18% tracking shots followed by the audience feeling that they've seen this EXACT movie / TV show before. But that last 12%…? Pure Netflix Bait!

Just for fun, I'd like a reporter to have the temerity to ask Mr. Billy Bob how he enjoys working in the 'entertainment' business.

That snarf sound you heard was me spitting out my Lean Cuisine.

Years ago I remember flipping through a copy of the New Yorker only to find a full-page advertisement(!) for his stupid band's CD.

You guys are both right!

Baby boomers gave us $6 trillion in debt - when will this generation finally get the respect it deserves?!?

Right now on Yahoo's homepage:

An unfortunate side effect is that now these low-information people (can I call them morons? - okay, I will)… these morons are starting to trickle elsewhere in the web (I mean into all sorts of corners). I follow a few investment websites (like seekingalpha.com), which used to be too academic and frankly

Those aren't boobs. Those are venom sacks.

I feel like there must be a great Pam Anderson / Tommy Lee joke in this comment thread, and yet I can't find it…!

So this is what a solid 'B-grade' debut solo album sounds like…? Okay, sure…

Hmmm, good question.

Sometimes outsiders have the best view 'inside' a culture…

I came here for the puns, and left happy.

I wish the 'computer-hacker-as-convenient-plot-device' was over, but the Mission Impossible movies will apparently never let it die.

The low point was that attempt to 'reevaluate' the Star Wars prequels. The stench of that article is still on my computer.

Its like an autopsy that takes 4 hours, and gets the Pathology Exam Room really bloody, but the conclusion is merely 'death by hot-dog eating contest.'

As much as I am a liberal and appreciate what Moore has to say, I find him to be a pretty 3rd rate director, and I'm surprised there hasn't been someone else to come along, take over the genre, and show him how its actually done.

We could already tell you were Babylon 5 kind of a nerd, thanks to your corduroy slacks and that ill-fitting T-shirt… (smile)

If you'd like, I can also keep you up to date on the number of homes in my neighborhood that still have Trump signs in the yard. Currently, it is two…