When he gets a soul patch it turns into Travolta Syndrome.
When he gets a soul patch it turns into Travolta Syndrome.
That goatee of his looks ridiculous… Its the kind that says: "Shake my hand and you'll touch baby-soft skin."
Also, the cutesy spelling of discuss - with a 'q' - reminds people of Terminator Genisys.
Oh, Jebus… Livefyre, or whatever? The Slate system is indeed horrible.
Have you tried an Ad-Blocker? That got rid of it for me.
That, AND a return to the gold standard for the commenting-based economy.
You can always go to any Hurst publication on-line, such as Esquire.com or RoadandTrack.com. Apparently they don't even feel the need to relegate an occasional intern for a few minutes of crap duty once a week, in order to clean up their comments section.
But wat about the peple from Breitbart…? Whey be able to leve their inteligent and wsmart comments? Thy are heors!
Sony is a loser of company - I think its now around $12 billion flushed over the last several years. If you want to see what incompetence looks like, google 'Sony Board of Directors'.
99% sure Little-Dick-Man has never seen this movie, or if he has 'seen' it, that improbable occurrence happened as it was playing in the background as one of the hotel maids (sorry, 'rapist,' as she was Hispanic - right Donald?) was cleaning up the mess he left in the bathroom.
Yup. Cherry picking, because this is literally the only instance Kanye has ever shown the world just how small his todger is by making a misogynistic statement…
My GF (a former Marine) cannot find north to save her life… Her map-usage skills are also REALLY lacking.
This 'study' (commissioned by a VP of Marketing) has Fast Company interpreting it for suburban dads who are collectively waiting for their fight to Cleveland to begin boarding, and the AVclub, interpreting THAT for us. That's like saying, "Here - take this science shit and do something with it."
Court marshals sure don't include a too-close control tower fly by via Ghost Rider, even though the pattern was full…!
Did I mention the hot girl is kinda' Asian looking, but not so much that you'd say - "Oh, she's Japanese…" - but kinda' like where you'd go up to her in the grocery store and say: "Hi, you look really hot! Where are you from?" - and I should also mention that she also likes to wear schoolgirl uniforms with white knee…
Man enters the room. He is currently taking several prescription medications to help manage his pre-diabetic state (high glucose level, etc.), and his cholesterol is pretty high, too… but he's eating a lot of fiber and drives a big SUV, so he's definitely working on it. A really hot girl, 20 years younger than him,…
White guys in their 50's, who have some of the smallest dicks ever pressed up against a bus window.
Clarkson long ago figured out that it was more important for a presenter to 'witty' than 'right', and so he regularly made comments that were so fuckingly stupid (but apparently witty) that he was adopted by the know-nothings as a king.
Completely… When people (you now who they are) complain that Hollywood is just a liberal propaganda factory, all you have to do is look at the typical subtext regarding the use of guns, and the use of torture to extract information, which pretty much ALWAYS leads the protagonist towards justice, redemption, or…
50% of the problem with this Great Job shtick is that the avclub misrepresents the content they're pushing. For the love of Jebus, we don't need to come here and get baited-and-switched. That's what the 'sponsored' content at the bottom of the page is for…