A video of Donald Rumsfeld addressing a Republican-filed congress about Iraq 'strategy'… pure masturbation.
A video of Donald Rumsfeld addressing a Republican-filed congress about Iraq 'strategy'… pure masturbation.
Samberg's jokes typically place him (or his character) at the receiving end of the bit. (Take his Comedy Central roast as an example.) Sandler, on the other hand, prefers that everyone ELSE is demeaned or shamed, etc., and he prefers particularly easy targets such as ugly people, fat people, people in low-skill jobs.…
Ya gots to pay big $$ for the high-priced lawyer to even ask those questions, and then you gots to pay big $$ for the expert witness testimony to underline those facts in a trial, and in any case, if you think the DA, the police, the FBI, etc. give a rat's ass about the truth (versus what they can convict you on) you…
What Not to Wear at least taught me that baggy clothes only make "husky" people look more so… You can't hide beneath acres of fabric. Accentuate the positive! That coat is over-sized and hides your figure. Where is your waist? I can't see it under that tent!And that hat? Gone… You have lovely hair, lets see it. …
The dozens of 'myths' propagated by American Idol would be a great article. #1 would be: 'yell-singing is also emotional-singing.'
Well, I certainly can't think of another director that has squandered his potential and failed to capitalize on his early work more than Stone.
Good question… I've often read that Fox News is 'the most popular' news (cough - that hurts to say: "news" - really?) among certain demographics, etc. but in truth that really means they (sometimes) hold a marginal leadership position in a highly fragmented market. They are the only option for a certain kind of…
Yes! This seems like a perfect idea: it covers new ground, allows 'old' characters to mingle with new ones, and (for my money) is inherently interesting… Now all we need to do is get you to Hollywood, and then into the party / schmooze-scene where you can pitch this idea to great acclaim.
Don't worry, some manager in the AVclub's content management team is crafting a memo explaining why it's YOUR FAULT the video was coded with auto-play (and to also play at maximum volume, of course)… This memo will be shared around the office, and then the IT guys will make sarcastic notes about how, if someone is…
Sorry, but her resume includes 51 credits, including 2 director's credits, and other credits where she has worked with the most respected names in the business, so the 'made a career out of showing off her assets…' is a fucking insult and a lie. Here's a tip: If you want to minimize a woman's opinion because she has…
Let me see if I understand: Any beautiful woman (who has capitalized on their sex appeal) is NOT allowed to complain when that element becomes a defining characteristic of employability? Thanks for clearing that up, little boy.
Bigoted white trash bingo! Check out the usual code words: 'Heritage', 'independence', 'spirit', 'pride', 'fight', etc. Note that he even calls the flag a symbol of the 'rural' south… as if the cities and urban areas are a lost cause (Gotta love the classic anti-intellectualism. No fancy college learn' here. Just…
As a car-guy, I'm kinda' afraid to visit one of those car-websites (like japolink, etc.) after this news. That's the place where your favorite know-it-all pontificates in the comments section about the reliability of 50 year-old British cars (never having owned one), Nurburgring lap times (never having driven on a…
You ain't kidding. Remember in 2010 when a white guy committed suicide by flying a plane into a building in Austin, TX, apparently to attack the IRS, which had offices there…? He managed to kill an IRS employee and injure 13 others… The FBI bent over backwards to immediately assure us it WASN'T terrorism, ditto the…
Its not racist, because McDonald's is a big company with shareholders and stuff.
So your saying that an author, critic, and journalist employed by Time magazine has produce a self-contradictory, poorly-written and researched piece of pablum…? That NEVER happens!
I'm that guy, too… I'm also the guy that calls anyone who would make such an obvious blunder in scale "not an artist" and perhaps also a "serious fart-dick."
Muy bueno! I'd click on the link, but I'm afraid of getting right-wing all over my computer.
My wife and I changed our plans to visit Hoth and instead spent a week in the lovely Dagobah system. That was after seeing the movie Wars of the Stars, and when the end credits started rolling we just looked at each other and said, "Well…! That would be a much nicer place than Hoth, with all that ice and snow…" …
Some distant family of mine nearly killed themselves after deciding to go rafting on a river that was at the beginning of a flood stage… It was the same situation - lack of respect for the environment; unfounded belief in their abilities, and a dose of bad luck… The funny thing was I don't think they understood how…