Ultra Glow

That's what I was thinking, too… Nixon: serial liar, felon, and all around piece of trash. BUT he was part of the elite establishment, ergo: he was canonized as a "troubled" hero.

Indeed. The plot synopsis makes me want to stay a mile away from this, even though I'd count myself as Kroller.

The gift shop is out of Bort license plates. Repeat, we are sold out of Bort license plates.

I thought it was Ben Stiller's running, and Cruises uni-brow-ing (circa 1986).

Skanks are a 'byproduct' of Kid Rock and distant fathers.

We're looking at this wrong… This is good news. It means that standards are so low we can all get our dumb screenplay into production! Here comes 'Crazy Catz: The Awakening'….

Could be… or maybe a heavy and world-weary voice just narrates: "Inept Hollywood producers and other people that couldn't get jobs in any other industry once tried to make a lot of money with some tired ripoffs of a beloved movie… They didn't succeed. Now they are trying again…"

Totally agreed. At one point, he's speaking his 'reply' to her far too early. As if he already precognized the course of the conversation, because - you know - he has… He's already read the script. This is bordering on Star Wars prequel level dumb.

Got it… I can totally see what your saying - DEFINITELY some work to be done on the part of the audience at the end of those flicks.

I always imagined he bought, bullied and manipulated his way out of a murder charge (totally in character), and yet again payed an enormous psychological and 'soul' cost. In my opinion, one of the themes of the story is the consequences for actions as Plainview builds his empire - I'm surprised someone could watch

'… dialed down enough that the fundies in the viewing area wouldn't call the station.' Hilarious and so true. I think you captured a significant perspective on the U.S., there…

Magic Mike turned into a very conventional morality tale and - ahem - in the end didn't have the balls to challenge any pre-agreed upon stereotypes. The story lacked biceps and was pretty flaccid. (Just my Interneted opinion.)

This Melissa McCarthy movie is going to be different - she's going to use her size (and therefore ostensibly less-attractive physical form) as a comedic linchpin. Can't 'weight' to see it!

Seriously. I know nothing about such things, and even I was looking at that and thinking: 'Yup, maybe I'll go to Hollywood, befriend someone connected, get some development money, and peddle lazy dreck as art.'

He's just getting warmed up for the comments section of any Yahoo! news article.

QoS was quite ridiculous at times. It took a lot of the silliness of Roger Moore era films and presented that with a serious attitude that was just - um - bad. My favorite was the over-the-top exploding destruction of the bad guy's 'lair', which all stemmed from a car running into a wall (or whatever). If I

That's the BIG secret. He changed his last name from Bondenstein.

I thought Dead Girl Town was actually one of the show's home runs. I found it a sly and profound critique of a certain brand of TV / movie violence and misogyny, and it was maybe too good and spot-on to just be 'comedy'. There really was something amazing about seeing the pop-culture tropes of a dead girl, the

I was hoping to see European Guy on the run from the cops, perhaps having to work in Chickk Klub to make a few Euros, and maybe do something very cool during his breaks, like smoke a cigarette or have some chocolate.

Yup… My favorite thing about this episode - surprised the review didn't mention it.