a dumb weeaboo

Blizzard needs to shut this down, then put look-a-like skins of these into overwatch. That would be funny.

Holy shit kill yourself

D.Va, Mei, Widowmaker and Tracer should be at the top of the list because of the shear amount of porn and such made of them bwuahahahaha

I’m guessing you’ve never seen their Underexplained Lists before. They are intentionally cheeky and disposable. Problem with this one is I think a lot of people want to see a real ranking here or at least an article that dives into the strengths and weaknesses of each hero. Hopefully that will come soon, but don’t

Is this a ranking based on “how cool and unique they are” or “how they play”?

literally. This is a troll ranking.

76 is probably one of the best designed characters in the game. Not because he does anything particularly special, but his entire existence is an extended tutorial to onboard the COD/BF market and I think that’s an amazing design choice on Blizzard’s part. He doesn’t really have counters or counter others, and he’s

#MeiIsBae U mad?


It’s clickbait to get you to read it and comment.

This is probably the worst “article” i’ve ever seen on here.

Half a paragraph and a ranking list with no explanation.

List is Garbage, has Mei near the top when clearly she is the worst designed character gameplay wise, defense hero with a heal that negates everything, can stun without DR. Yeah Mei is garbage and needs a rework.

76 being the worst?

Soldier 76 is my go to pick if I don’t know who to choose.

Mei sucks. Burn in hell Mei. DEATH TO ALL MEIS!

You say combat usefulness and yet Bastion is so low.

I totally disagree with this list, but totally understand how you guys can come up with it. I really don’t think there’s a “bad” character in the whole bunch.

You have a flying monkey shooting Angry Birds in that game.