
I figured it was more to do with the shared bird imagery and a fun pun about raining from above.

I love seeing Pharah cosplay. The Thunderbird skins are my top 3 favorite legendaries, Anubis is my favorite. (Not sure if it’s legendary)

Nice cosplay of my favorite Overwatch hero who can never finish her sentences.

“You look like the world’s least fucked geisha”

I decided yesterday that I am finally pulling the plug on a marriage that has been pretty awful for a long time. I am glad that you have found hope today. I honestly don’t feel like I will ever feel hope again and I’m just so irrationally angry that this lovely-sounding woman passed away and that her family is left

I just recently got divorced myself and reading her essay gives me hope that true partnership and long term love exists. I am grateful that they were willing to share their love with the world through the essay and her husband’s statement.

Just heartbreaking. Both sad, and still sublimely sweet and thoughtful.

“You will never climb to heaven with your hands full of penis.”

I can’t even describe how I needed this right before bed tonight.

Make Way for Ducklings was my favorite book just ahead of Blueberries for Sal.

We live next to a park with a duck pond and an unhealthy portion of every spring and summer is spent checking the status of the annual ducklings as they grow.

8:30 tomorrow

damn you’re right.

1) the right “response” to the bull statue should be a cow statue, preferably straight out of Cow Parade.

That’s awful.

Honestly, that whole parade is a fucking shitshow in every way and humanity would be better off without it.

Dude, that woman has cool glasses, a sassy haircut, and a nice suit jacket. I’ll bet she’s somewhere right now living her best life and not giving a single fuck.


He actually bottoms from the top, because of his social conscience.

Would you have sex with Tim Kaine’s son?

But Naomi normally gets along with everyone.

“Luncheon” sounds like I would still be hungry at the end.