
A friend just posted this morning that her father, who works at Apple, sent her one of these. I didn't know what she was talking about then. But ARGH I want one so badly.

And you can watch it go down if you are concerned.. Though I wouldn't advise it..

Anesthesia. And a lot of it. For hours. And maybe, MAYBE I'll listen.

Looks like the news is rolling pretty heavily on this. Heavier than even Streetview. But that outcry wasn't really the news, it was the tech community. This feels like the other way around. A lot of people don't care, but the media has run with it.

I AM thankful, however, for features like Find My iPhone. If my devices ever get stolen, I have a little peace of mind. The whole "tracking our every move thing," though, I don't know. My instinct is not to care. I post more information on Facebook on a daily basis, really.

Pro Tip: If you're feeling airsick... You shouldn't have eaten that Americone Dream ice cream at the Atlanta airport, along with the obscene amount of tasty ginger snaps that the flight attendant gave you. Don't try to go to sleep. It in no way works, and you will wake up from a very good dream to a very bad one. A

Maybe it's because I'm sunburned, but I found "Burnworth" working with UV rays to be fitting. Really, though, could roads be made of this polymer? Tires? Airplanes? Things that don't work well if torn? And crews or shops just zap it with UV?

Every time I look at my Windows performance index (I only use my PC for gaming) I see that low 6.5 glaring at me because of the hard drive... With an SSD I could boost it up to match my processor at 7.5... But I can't justify shelling out that kind of coin when I could get a 7200RPM 2TB drive for under $100. Maybe

This is SO welcome. I've been waiting for thicker Dropbox support for forever. It's a Godsend to save class projects to in case thumb drives fail.

I can't say that I blame him... If I were the president I would want all sorts of translucent displays and touch panels and facial recognition. Can't he just... Make a presidential trip to Best Buy and the Apple store? That's what presidents do, right? That, and adopt puppies?

But the Wii might as well be 7. It's got essentially the same innards of a Gamecube. They need to catchup badly. I'm not sure how much more powerful the next iterations of MS and Sony's consoles will be. Maybe 50% more powerful, maybe 2x. Either way, Nintendo can't afford to be as behind as they were this gen.

Wow. Yeah, that does sound great, doesn't it? 6Mbs..... Lol it's been one of those mornings. Just spilled calligraphy ink on my desk, too. Awesome.

I think that they diverged from each other so long ago that they're very different beasts now, with their own huge user bases. Like a gorilla and a chimpanzee evolving differently over so many years, even though they're all monkeys. If a small browser, we'll say Rockmelt, ever ascended to a Firefox level, or even

Haha true that. What a pain getting sick is...

Because America's web infrastructure is not great.. The same reason most people don't have "broadband" by definition. The fastest connection that I've ever had was (is) 6 Gbs. Not great.

I am unhappy. This is what I see the morning after my taillights get smashed by freak Texas hail. Everything's bigger. Including the identity theft.

I'd like to see what happens with Apple, II.

Aaaaaand I will be posting an ad at my college now.... Charging a modest $25 per phone. I like this idea....

When I had craniofacial surgery, I had the opposite problem. My jaw, after being sawed and cut on, and pieced back together, obviously had a hard time opening. I did daily exercises trying to open my mouth wider by millimeters, and at every checkup my surgeon would check the degrees that I was able to open with

I bought the iPhone version and play all the time. I wish that I didn't have to re-buy an "HD" version on my iPad.